
Text of legislation

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Sources for Irish legislation, 1692–1800

General Index of Bills

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Searching for bills with subject of 217 - 'Bankruptcy and debt'Searching for bills occuring in session '' -
63 Matching Records
SessionShort TitleTitleStatute Number
1695Recovery of small debtsFor the more easy recovery of small debts in a summary way.Not Enacted
1697Relief of creditors by making compositionFor relief of creditors, by making compositions with their debtors, in case two thirds in number and value do agree.Not Enacted
1697Recovery of small debtsFor the more easy and speedy securing and recovery of small debts.9 William III c.15
1697Estates of minors liable to debts of ancestorsTo make the estates of minors liable to the debts of their ancestors, notwithstanding their minority.Not Enacted
1705Relief of creditors against fraudulent devisesFor relief of creditors against fraudulent devises.4 Anne c.5
1709Frauds by bankruptsTo prevent frauds frequently committed by such as become bankrupts.Not Enacted
1715Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.2 George I c.23
1717Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1719Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.6 George I c.17
1721Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1723Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.10 George I c.11
1725Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1729Persons going abroad to defraud creditorsTo prevent persons from clandestinely transporting themselves to foreign parts, in order to defraud their creditors.Not Enacted
1729Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.3 George II c.20
1735Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.9 George II c.20
1735Persons going abroad to defraud creditorsTo prevent persons from withdrawing themselves and their effects out of this kingdom, in order to defraud their creditors, and to oblige the owners and masters of ships to provide for passengers on board such ships.Not Enacted
1735Relief of creditors by making composition with their debtorsFor the relief of creditors by making compositions with their debtors, in case two thirds in number and value do agree.Not Enacted
1737Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.11 George II c.16
1741Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1745Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1747Recovery of debts and relief of insolvent debtorsTo enable creditors more effectually and speedily to recover their just debts, and for the relief of insolvent debtors in execution.Not Enacted
1747Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtorsNot Enacted
1749Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.23 George II c.17
1753Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1755Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.29 George II c.17
1757Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1759Insolvent debtorsFor explaining and amending an act, entitled, an act for the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1759Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.33 George II c.17
1761Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.1 George III c.16
1763Insolvent debtorsFor amending an act passed the last session of parliament entitled an act for the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1765Frauds by bankruptsTo prevent frauds committed by bankrupts.Not Enacted
1765Insolvent debtorsFor relief of insolvent debtors.5 George III c.23
1767Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1767Insolvent debtorsTo explain and amend an act passed in the 6th year of his majesty's reign entitled an act for the relief of insolvent debtors.7 George III c.5
1769Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1771AFrauds by bankruptsTo prevent frauds committed by bankrupts.Not Enacted
1771BFrauds by bankruptsTo prevent frauds committed by bankrupts.11 & 12 George III c.8
1771BInsolvent debtorsFor the relief of several insolvent debtors to be mentioned in a schedule.11 & 12 George III c.32
1773Insolvent debtorsTo amend an act passed the last session of parliament entitled an act for the relief of insolvent debtors named in the annexed schedules.13 & 14 George III c.44
1773Recovery of small debtsFor the more easy recovery of small debts.Not Enacted
1777Frauds by bankruptsFor continuing an act to prevent frauds committed by bankrupts.Not Enacted
1777Frauds by bankruptsTo amend an act entitled an act to prevent frauds committed by bankrupts, by excluding from the benefit of that law traders who shall not keep regular books of account, and also to continue the same, and for other purposes.17 & 18 George III c.48
1777Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1777Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1777Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.17 & 18 George III c.14
1777Frauds by bankruptsTo explain and amend an act entitled an act to prevent frauds committed by bankrupts.Not Enacted
1779Insolvent debtorsFor relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1779BankruptsTo amend the bankrupt laws now in force in this kingdom.19 & 20 George III c.25
1781Insolvent debtorsFor relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1781Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent persons under a certain description.21 & 22 George III c.59
1783Insolvent debtorsFor relief of insolvent persons under certain descriptions.Not Enacted
1783Insolvent debtorsFor the relief of insolvent debtors.Not Enacted
1785BankruptsFor the amendment of the bankrupt laws.Not Enacted
1786BankruptsFor the relief of uncertificated bankrupts.26 George III c.26
1787Relief of creditorsFor the relief of the creditors of solvent confined debtors who do not come under the description of the bankrupt laws.Not Enacted
1787BankruptsFor the relief of uncertificated bankrupts.Not Enacted
1790AFrauds by bankruptsTo repeal certain clauses in an act passed in the 17th and 18th years of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act to exclude traders from the benefit of an act, entitled, an act to prevent frauds committed by bankrupts who do not keep regular books of account and for continuing the said law, and other purposes.30 George III c.23
1792BankruptsFor the further amendment of the laws enacted in this kingdom concerning bankrupts.Not Enacted
1795BankruptsFor the relief of uncertified bankrupts.Not Enacted
1796BBankruptsFor the relief of uncertified bankrupts.37 George III c.25
1796BFugitives and debtorsFor the relief of fugitives and debtors surrendering their persons and assigning all their property, in certain cases and under certain conditions.Not Enacted
1799BankruptsFor the relief of uncertificated bankrupts.39 George III c.57
1800BankruptsFor the relief of uncertificated bankrupts.40 George III c.21