
Text of legislation

How Irish statutes were made

Sources for Irish legislation, 1692–1800

General Index of Bills

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149 Matching Records
SessionShort TitleTitleStatute Number
1692AffidavitsFor taking affidavits in the country, to be made use of in the courts of king's bench, common pleas, and exchequer.4 William & Mary c.4
1692Frauds and perjuriesTo prevent frauds and perjuries.Not Enacted
1695Tenure of judges' employmentThat the judges may hereafter hold their places quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1695Reviving expired statutesFor reviving two statutes lately expired and making them perpetual, and for avoiding unnecessary suits and delays.7 William III c.7
1695Sheriffs' accountsFor the more easy discharging of sheriffs upon their accounts, and from being justices of the peace.7 William III c.13
1695Special bailsFor taking special bails in the country.7 William III c.18
1695County palatine of TipperaryConcerning fines in the county palatine of Tipperary.7 William III c.20
1695County palatine of TipperaryFor granting tales on trials to be had in the court of the county palatine of Tipperary before the seneschal.7 William III c.19
1695Abrogating court of Castle ChamberFor abrogating the court commonly called the court of Castle Chamber in this kingdom.Not Enacted
1695Distraining for rentFor the more speedy and effectual proceeding upon distresses and avowries for rent.7 William III c.22
1695Vexatious arrestsFor the prevention of vexations and oppressions by arrests, and of delays in suits of law.7 William III c.25
1697Judgments on estates of infantsTo extend judgments, recognizances and statutes on estates of infants.Not Enacted
1697Vexatious suitsTo prevent frivolous and vexatious law suits, and giving remedy to the parties grieved to recover their costs at law in certain cases where heretofore no costs were given.9 William III c.10
1697Vexatious suitsThat costs may be had in some cases which are not provided for by the bill entitled, an act to prevent frivolous and vexatious law suits, and giving remedy to the parties grieved to recover their costs at law in certain cases where heretofore no costs were given.Not Enacted
1697Vexatious delays in actions and suitsFor avoiding of vexatious delays caused by removing actions and suits out of inferior courts.9 William III c.13
1697Enabling lessees for years to serve on juriesTo enable lessees for years to serve on juries.Not Enacted
1698ArbitrationFor determining differences by arbitration.10 William III c.14
1698Process of lawTo restrain persons from holding pleas returning writs or other process of law within this kingdom.Not Enacted
1703Officers of courts acting as attorneysTo restrain the officers and clerks of law and equity from practising as attorneys in the same court whereof they are officers or clerks respectively.Not Enacted
1703Qualification of justices of the peaceFor declaring the qualifications of persons to be put into the commission of the peace, and for being sheriffs.Not Enacted
1703Sheriffs' accountsFor the more easy passing of sheriffs' accounts.Not Enacted
1705Qualification of justices of the peaceDeclaring the qualifications of persons to be put into the commission of the peace and for being made sheriffs.Not Enacted
1705Vexatious suits by paupersTo prevent vexatious suits by paupers.Not Enacted
1707Justices of the peaceFor the better regulation of justices of the peace.Not Enacted
1707Qualification of justices of the peaceFor qualifying persons to be justices of the peace and sheriffs.Not Enacted
1707Expense and delays in law suitsFor preventing expense and delays in suits in law and equity.Not Enacted
1709JurorsFor the better regulating of jurors.Not Enacted
1709Terms of office of sheriffsFor explaining and amending several statutes for prohibiting sheriffs, under-sheriffs and sheriffsâ clerks from officiating as under-sheriffs or sheriffsâ clerks more than one year.Not Enacted
1709Vexatious suits by paupersTo prevent vexatious suits prosecuted by paupers.Not Enacted
1709Assizes and sessionsTo prevent delays of proceedings at the assizes and sessions.8 Anne c.5
1709Tenure of judges' employmentFor explaining and amending an act made in the 10th year of King Henry VII, concerning the granting judicial employments.Not Enacted
1709Qualification of justices of the peaceFor qualifying persons to be justices of the peace.Not Enacted
1710Writs of errorFor limiting certain times within which writs of error shall be brought for the reversing fines, common recoveries and ancient judgments.Not Enacted
1711Qualification of justices of the peaceFor qualifying persons to be justices of the peace in this kingdom.Not Enacted
1711Terms of office of sheriffsFor explaining and amending several statutes for prohibiting under-sheriffs and sheriffs clerks from officiating for more than one year.11 Anne c.8
1713Summary hearings for small debtsFor the amending and continuing the act for recovery of small debts in a summary way, before the judges of the assize.Not Enacted
1715Vexatious suitsTo prevent frivolous and vexatious suits in law.Not Enacted
1717Writs of mandamus and quo warrantosFor rendering the proceedings upon writs of mandamus, and informations in the nature of a quo warranto, more speedy and effectual, and for more easy trying and determining the rights of offices and franchises in corporations and boroughs.Not Enacted
1717Sheriffs' accountsFor the more easy passing sheriffs accounts.Not Enacted
1717Writs of errorFor limiting certain times within which writs of error shall be brought for reversing of fines and common recoveries.4 George I c.10
1717Repealing the little oathFor taking away the oath, commonly called the little oath, on members of corporations, by the new rules.4 George I c.3
1717Vexatious suitsFor explaining and amending an act of parliament made in the 9th year of his late majesty King William entitled an act for preventing frivolous and vexatious law suits, and giving remedy to the parties grieved to recover their costs at law in certain cases where heretofore no costs were given.4 George I c.13
1719Writs of errorTo prevent delays in writs of error, and for the further amendment of the law.6 George I c.6
1719Abbreviating Michaelmas termFor abbreviating Michaelmas term, and settling the commencement thereof.6 George I c.1
1723Qualification of justices of the peaceFor better qualifying persons to be justices of the peace.Not Enacted
1723Sheriffs' accountsFor the more easy passing sheriffs accounts.Not Enacted
1723Trials at law and proceedings at assizesFor regulating trials at law and proceedings at assizes.Not Enacted
1729For better discovery of judgements in courts at Dublin, and for greater security of purchasersFor the better discovery of judgements in the courts of king's bench, common pleas, and exchequer, at Dublin, and for the greater security of purchasers.3 George II c.7
1731English languge to be used in courts of justiceThat all proceedings in courts of justice within this kingdom shall be in the English language.Not Enacted
1731JuriesFor the better regulating of juries.Not Enacted
1733Qualification of justices of the peaceFor the better qualification of the justices of the peace.Not Enacted
1735JuriesFor the better regulation of juries.9 George II c.3
1735Assigning of judgements, and distraining for rentFor the more effectual assigning of judgements, and for the more speedy recovery of rents by distress.9 George II c.5
1735Use of English in courts of justiceThat all proceedings in courts of justice within this kingdom shall be in the English language.Not Enacted
1737English languge to be used in courts of justiceThat all proceedings in courts of justice within this kingdom shall be in the English language.11 George II c.6
1737Sheriffs' courts and other inferior courtsFor the better regulating of sheriffs' courts, and other inferior courts.Not Enacted
1737Enabling courts to use affidavits taken in England, and regulating office of six clerksTo enable the several courts of law and equity in this kingdom to make use of affidavits, taken before any judge of any of the courts of Westminster, or before the any of the masters of the high court of chancery in that part of Great Britain, called England, and for regulating the office of the six clerks of the high court of chancery of this kingdom.Not Enacted
1739JuriesTo continue and amend an act made in the 9th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for the better regulating of juries.13 George II c.5
1739Fees of lawyersFor regulating the fees of lawyers.Not Enacted
1745JuriesFor continuing and amending the several acts for the better regulating of juries.19 George II c.10
1745Common recoveriesFor amending the law in relation to common recoveries.Not Enacted
1747JuriesFor amending the several acts for the better regulating of juries.21 George II c.6
1749Against contentious suitsFor the ease in pleading troublesome and contentious suits and complaints, prosecuted against justices of the peace, magistrates, constables, and all other peace officers, for the lawful execution of their office.Not Enacted
1749Protection of sheriffs against neglects of their clerks, etc.For the better securing the persons who have served, or hereafter shall serve, in the office of sheriff in this kingdom, against the defaults and neglects of their clerks, sub-sheriffs and attorneys.23 George II c.13
1755JuriesFor better regulating of juries.29 George II c.6
1755Terms of office of sheriffsTo supply the defect of an act, passed in the 10th year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, entitled, an act for explaining and amending several statutes for prohibiting under-sheriffs and sheriffs clerks from officiating as sub-sheriffs or sheriffs clerks for more than one year.29 George II c.15
1757Malicious informations in court of king's benchTo prevent malicious informations in the court of king's bench.Not Enacted
1759Tenure of judges' employmentFor making judges commissions quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1759Justices of the peaceRelative to the justices of the peace.Not Enacted
1761Assigning of judgements, and distraining for rentTo perpetuate with amendments a clause in an act passed in the 9th year of his late majesty King George II entitled an act for the more effectual assigning of judgments, and for the more speedy recovery of rents by distress.1 George III c.3
1761Vexatious suits in equityTo prevent vexatious suits in equity, to stop proceedings at law.Not Enacted
1761Regulating proceedings in courts of equity and courts of lawTo regulate proceedings in courts of equity in injunction causes, and on cross bills, and to regulate the proceedings in courts of law.Not Enacted
1763Tenure of judges' employmentFor making judges commissions quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1763Vexatious arrestsFor preventing frivolous and vexatious arrests.Not Enacted
1763AttorniesFor better regulating the admission and practice of attornies.Not Enacted
1765Tenure of judges' employmentFor making the offices of judges quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1765Qualification of justices of the peaceFor fixing a qualification for the office of a justice of the peace in this kingdom.Not Enacted
1767Tenure of judges' employmentFor making judges commissions quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1767Tenure of judges' employmentTo repeal an act entitled an act that the chancellor and treasurer, judges of the king's bench and common pleas, the chief and second baron of the exchequer, the clerk or master of the rolls, and all officers, accountants, to have their offices but only at the king's will and pleasure.Not Enacted
1767Tenure of judges' employmentFor making judges commissions continue quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1771BEjectments for non-payment of rentFor the amendment of the law in respect of ejectments for non-payment of rent.Not Enacted
1771BTenure of judges' employmentFor making judges commissions quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1771BTouching office of master of rollsTouching the office of master of the rolls, and the proceeding of the high court of chancery.Not Enacted
1773AttorniesFor the better regulation of the admission and practice of attornies.13 & 14 George III c.23
1773CustodiamsFor the amendment of the law in respect to custodiams and other matters.Not Enacted
1773Tenure of judges' employmentFor making judges' commissions continue quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1773For remedy of subjectFor providing an adequate remedy for the subject upon special cases made for the opinions of the courts of law on trials by nisi prius or at bar, and for the better security of persons obtaining verdicts in ejectment.Not Enacted
1775Tenure of judges' employmentFor making judges' commissions continue quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1775Courts of equityFor regulating the proceedings of courts of equity in injunction cases.Not Enacted
1775Tenure of judges' employmentFor making the commissions of the judges of this kingdom to continue quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1777Tenure of judges' employmentFor making judges' commissions continue quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1779Expense and delays in law suitsTo remedy the great charge and delay of suits at law.Not Enacted
1779Vexatious arrestsTo prevent vexatious and frivolous arrests, and for other purposes.19 & 20 George III c.38
1779Tenure of judges' employmentFor making the commissions of the judges to continue quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1779CustodiamsFor the amendment of the laws respecting custodiams.Not Enacted
1781Trials by nisi prius in DublinFor enlarging the time for trials by nisi prius in the city of Dublin and county of Dublin, and for making the process of the court of exchequer more effectual against persons who, being served therewith, refuse to appear.21 & 22 George III c.18
1781AttorniesTo explain and amend an act passed in the 13th and 14th years of his majesty's reign entitled an act for the better regulation of the admission and practice of attornies.Not Enacted
1781Relief of sheriffs from whom prisoners for debt rescuedFor the relief of sheriffs from whom prisoners for debt shall be rescued in their removal by virtue of writs of habeas corpus in such cases where the said sheriffs shall appear to have been guilty of no neglect or default.21 & 22 George III c.34
1781AttorniesTo amend the laws relative to the practice of attornies, and to the mode of recovering their demands against their clients.Not Enacted
1781JuriesTo regulate the attendance of persons returned to serve on grand and petty juries.Not Enacted
1781Vexatious arrestsTo explain and amend an act entitled an act to prevent vexatious and frivolous arrests, and for other purposes.21 & 22 George III c.61
1781Tenure of judges' employmentFor making the commissions of judges to continue quam diu se bene gesserint.Not Enacted
1781Tenure of judges' employment and impartial administration of justiceFor securing the independency of judges and the impartial administration of justice.21 & 22 George III c.50
1781Redress of erroneous judgementsFor redress of erroneous judgements, orders and decrees.21 & 22 George III c.49
1781Summary hearings for small debtsFor amending the several acts made in this kingdom for recovery of small debts in a summary way before the judges of assize.Not Enacted
1781BarristersTo regulate the admissions of barristers-at-law.21 & 22 George III c.32
1783RecognizancesFor the furtherance of justice, by rendering more effectual recognizances to be taken for the king, for the appearance of parties at any session of oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, or at any quarter sessions, or other general session of the peace.Not Enacted
1783Redress of erroneous judgementsFor redress of erroneous judgments.Not Enacted
1783Vexatious arrestsFor the relief of his majesty's subjects in cases of frivolous or vexatious arrests.Not Enacted
1783Regulation of gaolsFor altering, amending and rendering more effectual the laws now in being for regulating and managing the public gaols and prisons throughout this kingdom.23 & 24 George III c.41
1785Payments to lord chancellor and chief judgesFor granting the sum of £3,000 to the lord chancellor and chief judges for the purposes therein mentioned.25 George III c.24
1785Qualification of sheriffs of countiesFor ascertaining the qualification of sheriffs of counties at large.Not Enacted
1785Distraining for rentFor rendering more effectual the remedy by distress for rent.Not Enacted
1785Summary hearings for small debtsFor amending the several acts made in this kingdom for recovery of small debts in a summary way before the judges of assize.Not Enacted
1785Vexatious injunctionsFor preventing vexatious injunctions to stay proceedings at law, and for giving costs to defendants in courts of equity in certain cases.25 George III c.51
1785Green wax processTo make more effectual and beneficial the process commonly called green wax process.Not Enacted
1786Payments to lord chancellor and chief judgesFor granting the sum of £3,000 to the lord chancellor and chief judges for the purposes therein mentioned.26 George III c.49
1787Accountant general in courts of chancery and exchequerFor the better dispatch of business in the offices of the accountant general in the courts of chancery and exchequer respectively.Not Enacted
1787Payments to lord chancellor and chief judgesFor granting the sum of £6,000 to the lord chancellor and chief judges for the purposes therein mentioned.27 George III c.19
1788Registry of baptisms, marriages and burialsFor the establishing an accurate and correct registry of baptisms, marriages and burials in cities and great towns in the realm of Ireland, for rendering the same authentic, and for providing and procuring meet and convenient places of public interment, in addition or auxiliary to those now in use, where the same may be judged necessary.Not Enacted
1788Payments to lord chancellor and chief judgesFor granting the sum of £6,000 to the lord chancellor and chief judges for the purposes therein mentioned.28 George III c.20
1789Payments to lord chancellor and chief judgesFor granting the sum of £6,000 to the lord chancellor and chief judges for the purposes therein mentioned.29 George III c.35
1789Attornies, solicitors and proctors not to be justices of peaceTo incapacitate attornies, solicitors and proctors from acting as justices of the peace.Not Enacted
1790AManor courtsTo explain and amend the laws relative to manor courts.Not Enacted
1790ADown survey as evidenceFor making certain copies of the maps of the Down Survey evidence.Not Enacted
1791Vexatious arrestsTo prevent vexatious arrests, and proceedings in actions of slander.31 George III c.32
1791BarristersTo explain and amend an act, entitled, an act to regulate the admission of barristers-at-law.Not Enacted
1791Assistant barristersTo amend the laws respecting assistant barristers of the sessions of the peace.31 George III c.29
1791Summary hearings for small debtsFor the amendment of an act of the 2nd of George I, entitled, an act for reviving and amending an act for recovery of small debts in a summary way before the judges of assize.Not Enacted
1791Trials by nisi prius in DublinFor explaining and amending an act, entitled, an act for enlarging the time for trials by nisi prius in the city of Dublin and county of Dublin.31 George III c.30
1791Forfeited recognizances, and green wax processTo discharge such recognizances entered into for appearance and prosecution of offenders, as were forfeited before the 18th of January in the year 1787, and for more effectually executing the green wax process.31 George III c.25
1792Kingâs InnsFor confirming the powers of the Society of Kingâs Inns, Dublin, and to repeal an act, entitled, an act to regulate the admission of barristers-at-law.32 George III c.18
1792County courtsFor abridging the jurisdiction of the county courts.Not Enacted
1793Justices of the peace, and indemnity of constablesFor rendering justices of the peace more safe in the execution of their office, and for indemnifying constables and others acting in obedience to their warrants.Not Enacted
1793Vexatious arrestsTo prevent frivolous and vexatious arrests, and for regulating the mode of putting in bail to arrests made on mesne process.Not Enacted
1794Courts of king's bench and common pleasTo render the process of his majesty's courts of king's bench and common pleas in this kingdom more beneficial and effectual.Not Enacted
1794JuriesFor the better regulation of juries.Not Enacted
1795Commissioners of oyer and terminer in Co. DublinTo enable commissioners of oyer and terminer for the county of Dublin to hold their sessions at the Four Courts on the Inns Quay, in the city of Dublin.Not Enacted
1795Trials by nisi priusFor regulating the filing of judges reports on trials at nisi prius, and for the amendment of the law touching bills of exceptions.Not Enacted
1795Confirming grants under great seal of EnglandFor confirming grants heretofore made by patents under the great seal of England.35 George III c.39
1796ARendering persons convicted of petty larceny competent witnessesTo render persons convicted of petty larceny competent witnesses.36 George III c.29
1796AAffidavits in public accountsFor regulating the admission of affidavits accounting for public money at assizes.Not Enacted
1796AVexatious replevins of distress taken for rentTo prevent vexatious replevins of distress taken for rent.36 George III c.38
1796ASheriffs' courtsTo limit the jurisdiction of sheriffs in their county courts, and of other inferior courts.36 George III c.39
1796BGalway sheriffsFor the relief of the sheriffs of the county of the town of Galway, and to enable officers of the exchequer to examine the accounts of the late tellers of the exchequer, and to make certain allowances therein.Not Enacted
1798Administration of justiceFor further securing the impartial administration of justice.Not Enacted
1800Qualification of sheriffs of and magistratesFor ascertaining the proper qualifications of sheriffs and for magistrates in the kingdom of Ireland.Not Enacted
1800Redress of erroneous judgementsFor the more speedy correction of erroneous judgments given in the courts of law in this kingdom.40 George III c.39
1800JuriesFor the better regulation of trials by jury in the courts of king's bench, common pleas and exchequer during term, and in the sittings after term.40 George III c.72