23 Matching Records |
Session | Short Title | Title | Statute Number |
1695 | Planting trees | For planting and preserving of timber trees. | Not Enacted |
1695 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For the planting and preserving of woods and timber trees in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1695 | Unlawful cutting of wood, and export of timber | For punishing unlawful cutting, stealing, stripping or spoiling of wood, underwood, bark, young trees, and against exportation of timber, and ploughing and harrowing with withs or gads. [20 Nov. 1695] | Not Enacted |
1697 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For planting and preserving timber trees and woods. | 10 William III c.12 |
1703 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For supplying the defects of an act for preserving timber trees and woods. | Not Enacted |
1705 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For explaining and putting in execution an act for planting and preserving timber trees and woods, and for explaining and putting in execution an act to avoid and prevent divers misdemeanours in idle and lewd persons in barking of trees, etc. | 4 Anne c.9 |
1705 | Unlawful cutting of timber | To prevent the unlawful cutting, spoiling and stealing of timber. | Not Enacted |
1709 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For the further explaining and putting in execution an act for planting and preserving timber trees and woods. | Not Enacted |
1710 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For the further explaining and putting in execution an act for planting and preserving timber trees and woods. | 9 Anne c.5 |
1717 | Preventing destruction of timber trees | To prevent the destruction of timber trees and woods, and for amendment of the laws already made for that purpose. | Not Enacted |
1721 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For repealing part of an act passed in the 10th year of King William III, entitled an act for planting and preserving timber trees and woods, and also for giving further encouragement to plant and preserve timber trees and woods. | 8 George I c.8 |
1735 | Planting timber trees | For encouraging the planting of timber trees. | 9 George II c.7 |
1765 | Planting timber trees | For the further encouragement of planting timber trees. | 5 George III c.17 |
1767 | Planting and preserving oak | To encourage the planting and preservation of oak. | Not Enacted |
1767 | Preserving timber trees | For the further preservation of woods and timber trees. | 7 George III c.23 |
1771B | Cultivation of timber trees and preservation of shrubs and hedges | For encouraging the cultivation of timber trees, woods and underwoods, and for the better preservation of roots, shrubs, and plants, and to prevent the destroying of hedges, fences, gateposts and gates, in the enclosing of land. | Not Enacted |
1775 | Cultivation of trees and shrubs | For encouraging the cultivation and for the better preservation of trees, roots, plants and shrubs. | 15 & 16 George III c.26 |
1777 | Planting timber trees | To explain and amend an act passed in the 6th year of the reign of his present majesty entitled an act for encouraging the planting of timber trees. | 17 & 18 George III c.35 |
1783 | Planting timber trees | To amend the laws for the encouragement of planting timber trees. | 23 & 24 George III c.39 |
1787 | Planting timber trees | To amend an act entitled an act to amend the laws for the encouragement of planting timber trees. | Not Enacted |
1788 | Cultivation of trees and shrubs | To explain and amend an act passed in the 5th and 6th years of his present majesty George III entitled an act for the encouraging the cultivation and better preservation of trees, shrubs, plants and roots. | 28 George III c.36 |
1791 | Preserving shrubs and trees | For the preservation of shrubs and trees. | 31 George III c.40 |
1791 | Cultivation of trees and shrubs | To amend an act passed in the 15th and 16th years of his present majesty, entitled, an act for encouraging the cultivation and the better preservation of trees, shrubs, plants and roots. | Not Enacted |