107 Matching Records |
Session | Short Title | Title | Statute Number |
1703 | Additional duty | For an additional duty of excise upon beer, ale and other liquors. | 2 Anne c.1 |
1703 | Additional duty | For continuing the additional duty of excise on beer, ale and other liquors and for granting an additional duty on tobacco and several other goods and merchandises and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on several pensions and grants therein mentioned and for building of barracks in the city of Dublin. | 2 Anne c.4 |
1703 | Officers of courts acting as attorneys | To restrain the officers and clerks of law and equity from practising as attorneys in the same court whereof they are officers or clerks respectively. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Sir Justin Aylmer | For sale of divers lands in the county of Kildare, being part of the estate of Sir Justin Aylmer, baronet, for payment of debts and clearing encumbrances charged thereon, and for other purposes therein mentioned. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Ballast office in Dublin | For erecting a ballast office in the city of Dublin for cleansing the port and river of Dublin. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Benefit of clergy | For the reviving an act for taking away the benefit of clergy in some cases and for transporting of felons. | 2 Anne c.12 |
1703 | Walter Blake and Geffrey Blake | For settling certain lands and tenements being part of the estate of Walter Blake, late of Drum in the county of the town of Galway, esquire, deceased, on his eldest son and heir Geffrey Blake. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Blasphemy and profaneness | For suppressing blasphemy and profaneness. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Nicholas Bourke and Thomas Bourke | To prevent Nicholas Bourke, a Papist, from disinheriting Thomas Bourke, a Protestant, on account of his religion. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Lanesborough bridge | For building a bridge over the River Shannon at Lanesborough. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Colonel John Browne | For selling part of Colonel John Browne’s estate. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Colonel John Browne's Protestant creditors | For the sale of Colonel John Brown's estate for payment of his Protestant creditors. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Church building | For building several parish churches in more convenient places. | 2 Anne c.11 |
1703 | Burial in wool | To oblige all persons in this kingdom to bury in woollen. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Butchers and cattle | To prevent butchers from being graziers and to redress several abuses in buying and selling of cattle and in the slaughtering and packing of beef, tallow and hides. | 2 Anne c.15 |
1703 | Butchers' corporation | For dissolving the corporation of butchers. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Walter Butler | For the relief of Walter Butler, junior, only son and heir apparent of Colonel Walter Butler of Mumphin in the county of Wexford. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Garret Coghlan | To prevent the disinheriting of Captain Garret Coghlan, a Protestant in her majesty’s service. | 2 Anne c.7 (private) |
1703 | Preventing Papists from inheriting | To prevent Papists from inheriting. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Oath of abjuration | To oblige certain persons to take the oath of abjuration, and for imposing penalties in case they refuse so to do. | Not Enacted |
1703 | John Baker | For relief of Mr John Baker. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Reverend Dean John Leslie | To dispose of part of [the estate of Reverend Dean John Leslie] towards satisfaction of his creditors. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Harbour of Cork | For cleansing the channel of the harbour of Cork. | 2 Anne c.8 (private) |
1703 | Court of high commission | To repeal that part of the act made in the 2nd year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, which relates to the high commission court. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Margaret Culme | [For relief of Margaret Culme.] | Not Enacted |
1703 | Francis Edgeworth, Arthur Culme | To enable trustees to sell part of the estate of Arthur Culme, esquire, deceased, for payment of £1,200 due to Francis Edgeworth, esquire. | Not Enacted |
1703 | David Power | To enable David Power, gentleman, to settle a jointure on his present wife, or any after-taken wife, and to charge his real estate with portions for his younger children. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Richard Delamer | To enable Richard Delamer, esquire, to sell or mortgage part of his estate for payment of debts. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Relief against dormant judgments | For the relief of the subject against dormant judgments, bonds, mortgages, statutes and other securities for money. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Workhouse in Dublin | For erecting a workhouse in the city of Dublin for employing and maintaining the poor thereof. | 2 Anne c.19 |
1703 | Hospitals and workhouses in Dublin | For erecting hospitals and workhouses within the city of Dublin, for the better employing and maintaining thereof. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Earthen ware manufacture | To encourage the making earthen ware in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Bishops' leases | To enable archbishops, bishops and other ecclesiastical persons to set leases for three lives renewable forever. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Quieting ecclesiastical possessions | For quieting ecclesiastical persons in their possessions. | 2 Anne c.9 |
1703 | Encouragement of trade | For encouraging the trade of this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Glebes | For exchange of glebes belonging to churches in this kingdom. | 2 Anne c.10 |
1703 | To prevent Popish priests entering Ireland | To prevent Popish priests from coming into this kingdom. | 2 Anne c.3 |
1703 | Collectors' receipts | To supply the defects of an act for making the collectors’ receipts for quit rent, crown rent and other rents due to the crown full and legal discharges for the same, and for limiting their fees thereon. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Fees of sheriffs | For regulating the fees of sheriffs on executions. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Protection of fry of herrings, salmon, pilchards and other fish | To prevent the destroying the fry of herrings, salmon, pilchards and other fish. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Naturalization of Protestants | For the general naturalization of all Protestants that shall reside within this kingdom. | 2 Anne c.14 |
1703 | Free and parochial schools | Relating to free and parochial schools. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Grand jury presentments | To prevent the illegal raising of money by grand juries and the misapplying of money legally raised. | Not Enacted |
1703 | To prevent the further growth of Popery | To prevent the further growth of Popery in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Liberty of the subject | For the better securing the liberty of the subject and for prevention of imprisonment beyond the seas. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Sir Hans Hamilton | For the sale of part of the estate of Sir Hans Hamilton, baronet, for payment of his grandfather’s debts and for other purposes. | 2 Anne c.3 (private) |
1703 | Encouraging consumption of Irish manufactures | For encouraging the consumption of the manufactures of this kingdom by the persons residing within the same. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Succession of crown | To make it high treason in this kingdom to impeach the succession of the crown, as limited by several acts of parliament. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Impeachment of succession of crown to be high treason | To make it high treason in this kingdom to impeach the succession of the crown as limited by several acts of parliament. | 2 Anne c.5 |
1703 | Iron and stave imports | For encouraging the importation of iron and staves. | 2 Anne c.2 |
1703 | John Power | For the relief of John Power, late of Monelargy in the county of Waterford, esquire. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Jurors | For the ease of jurors, and regulating jurors. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Qualification of justices of the peace | For declaring the qualifications of persons to be put into the commission of the peace, and for being sheriffs. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Relief of Protestant creditors of Walter Kennedy | For the relief of the Protestant creditors of Walter Kennedy, esquire. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Estates of minors liable to debts of ancestors | For making the estates of minors liable to the payment of the debts of their ancestors during their minority, and for the more easy taking out execution of on statutes merchant and of the staple. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Flax and hemp | For the improvement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Lough Neagh to Newry canal | To make a canal from Lough Neagh to Newry. | Not Enacted |
1703 | John Magill | To enable Mr [John] Magill … to sell part of his estate for payment of debts. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Markets in Dublin | For the better regulation of the markets and sale of goods within the city and suburbs of Dublin and the several liberties adjacent, and to oblige the retailers of salt and meal and other ground corn to sell by weight. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Markets in Dublin | For the better regulation of the markets and sale of goods within the city and suburbs of Dublin, and the several liberties adjacent. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Regulation of measures | To supply the defects of an act passed in the 7th year of the late King William, entitled an act for the better regulating measures in and throughout this kingdom. | 2 Anne c.17 |
1703 | Mines | To repeal a statute made in the 5th year of King Henry IV, against multiplying gold and silver, and to prevent disputes and controversies concerning royal mines. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Ministers' money and valuation of houses | For explaining the statute of the 17th and 18th of King Charles II concerning the valuation of houses in corporations for maintenance of ministers. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Hugh Montgomery, Elizabeth Montgomery, Francis de la Rue, Wrotesley de la Rue | [To sell part of the lands now in the possession of Hugh Montgomery and Elizabeth, his wife, relict of Francis de la Rue, deceased, and Wrotesley de la Rue by his guardians for payment of debts, and for confirming the will of the said Francis de la Rue.] | Not Enacted |
1703 | Redmond Morres | To prevent the disinheriting of Redmond Morres, esquire. | 2 Anne c.6 (private) |
1703 | River Barrow navigation | To make the River Barrow navigable. | Not Enacted |
1703 | River Boyne navigation | To make the River Boyne navigable. | Not Enacted |
1703 | River Nore navigation | To make the River Nore navigable. | Not Enacted |
1703 | River Shannon navigation | For making the River Shannon navigable from the city of Limerick to Jamestown, in the county of Leitrim, at the charge of the adjoining counties. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Nicholas Nugent | To prevent Nicholas Nugent, of Robinstown, in the county of Westmeath, esquire, from being disinherited. | Not Enacted |
1703 | James, duke of Ormond; Charles, earl of Arran | To confirm the sales, fee farms and leases made by James, duke of Ormond, and Charles, earl of Arran, and to enlarge a period for making fee farms until Michaelmas 1705, and to enable the earl of Arran to sell lands to the value of £100 per annum if need be. | 2 Anne c.1 (private) |
1703 | Union and division of parishes | For the real union and division of parishes. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Regulating parliament elections | For regulating the election of members to serve in parliament. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Privilege of parliament | For regulating the privilege of parliament. | Not Enacted |
1703 | George Matthews; Martha Matthews; Chichester Phillips; Sir Simon Eaton | To prevent George Matthews, junior, and Martha, his wife, from barring the remainder in certain lands and tenements limited and bequeathed to Chichester Phillips, esquire, and his heirs by the last will and testament of Sir Simon Eaton, deceased. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Professions of physic, chirurgery and apothecaries in Dublin | For regulating the practice of physic and chirurgery, and of apothecaries, in the city of Dublin. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Quieting possessions | For quieting possessions and disposing of undisposed and plus acres. | 2 Anne c.8 |
1703 | Poll tax arrears | For collecting and recovering the arrears of the late poll tax. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Mary Poor alias Penefather; Richard, William and Thomas Poor; Walter Stephens | For the confirming an award made by the honourable the barons of her majesty's court of exchequer, between Mary Poor alias Penefather, Richard, William, and Thomas Poor, and Walter Stephens, esquire, and for securing and settling the several interests as are therein designed and appointed. | 2 Anne c.5 (private) |
1703 | Prisoners for debt | For relief of poor prisoners for debt. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Ecclesiastical causes | Concerning prohibitions in ecclesiastical causes. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Commissioners for public accounts | To appoint commissioners to examine, take and state the public accounts of the nation. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Glebes | To purchase glebes to make the residence of the clergy more easy and practicable. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Rapeseed duty | To take off the duty upon rapeseed in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Reducing rate of interest to 8 per cent | For reducing the interest of money to 8 per cent for the future. | 2 Anne c.16 |
1703 | Recognition of Queen Anne's title to the crown | Of recognition of her majesty’s undoubted right to the crown of Ireland. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Registration of Popish clergy | For registering the Popish clergy. | 2 Anne c.7 |
1703 | Church repairs | To enable church wardens to raise money applotted by vestry for the repair of churches. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Richard, Lord Viscount Ross; Frances Parsons | For the relief of Richard, Lord Viscount Ross, and Frances Parsons his sister. | 2 Anne c.2 (private) |
1703 | Regulating servants | For regulating servants. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Sheriffs' accounts | For the more easy passing of sheriffs' accounts. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Summary hearings for small debts | For recovery of small debts in a summary way before the judges of assize. | 2 Anne c.18 |
1703 | Parishes of St Mary and St Paul, Dublin | To empower the church wardens of St Mary's parish, Dublin, to distrain for money already applotted or hereafter to be applotted for the finishing the parish church of St Mary's, and the same for finishing the parish church of St Paul's. | 2 Anne c.9 (private) |
1703 | James Stopford | To enable James Stopford, esquire, to sell part of his estate for payment of his debts and raising portions. | Not Enacted |
1703 | James Stopford | For vesting certain lands and hereditaments of James Stopford, esquire, lying in the county of Meath in trustees to be sold for payment of debts and portions and for other purposes. | 2 Anne c.4 (private) |
1703 | Planting and preserving timber trees | For supplying the defects of an act for preserving timber trees and woods. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Tithes | For the more easy recovery of tithes and other ecclesiastical dues and to prevent frequent excommunications. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Toleration of Protestant Dissenters | To give such toleration to Protestant Dissenters in Ireland as is by law allowed Protestant Dissenters in England. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Tolls and customs, and coal trade in Dublin | To hinder the taking or exacting toll or custom in several cases, and to prevent the engrossing coals in the city of Dublin. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Tories and rapparees | For continuing two acts against tories, robbers and rapparees. | 2 Anne c.13 |
1703 | Proof of having taken oaths required by law | For the ease of the subject in proving on trials their having taken such oaths and having made and subscribed such declarations as by law are required. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Margaret Wall | For relieving Margaret Wall, spinster. | Not Enacted |
1703 | To prevent the further growth of Popery | To prevent the further growth of Popery. | 2 Anne c.6 |
1703 | Church building | To prevent the defects of the bill entitled an act for building several parish churches in more convenient places. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Tories and rapparees | For the amendment and explanation of two acts against tories, robbers and rapparees. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Against spiriting away any person; Richard, Viscount Mountgarrett | Against spiriting. | Not Enacted |
1703 | Anthony Hammond; Valentine Browne; Nicholas Browne, called Lord Kenmare | For the relief of Anthony Hammond, esquire, guardian to Valentine Browne, eldest son of Nicholas Browne, commonly called Lord Kenmare, and also to the rest of the children of the said Nicholas. | Not Enacted |