58 Matching Records |
Session | Short Title | Title | Statute Number |
1757 | Dublin corporation elections | For better regulating the elections of the lord mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, commons, and other officers of the city of Dublin, and for preserving peace, order and good government in the said city. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Marriage of lunatics | To prevent the marriage of lunatics. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Flax and hemp | For the further encouragement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures, and better regulating the fairs and markets where the same are exposed to sale. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Appointment of county treasurers | For the better ascertaining the manner of appointing treasurers of counties, and counties of cities, and for the more effectual recovery of the public money. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Malicious informations in court of king's bench | To prevent malicious informations in the court of king's bench. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Continuing temporary statutes | For reviving temporary statutes. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Repair of highways | To alter and amend the laws made for the repair of highways. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Union and division of parishes | For rendering more effectual the several acts now in force, for real union and division of parishes. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Regulating parliament elections | To explain and amend several acts of parliament heretofore made for the better regulating of elections of members to serve in parliament. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Bishops' leases | To enable archbishops, bishops and other ecclesiastical persons to make leases for lives or years. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Distilling of corn | To prevent the distilling of corn for a limited time. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Indemnifying justices of peace enforcing acts for insolvent debtors, and fraudulent discharge of debtors | To indemnify justices of the peace who have acted or shall act in pursuance of any acts for the relief of insolvent debtors, and for giving liberty to creditors to sue debtors fraudulently discharged under colour of the last act of parliament for the relief of insolvent debtors. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Insolvent debtors | For the relief of insolvent debtors. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Coal trade in Dublin, and collieries | For the better supplying of the city of Dublin with coals, and for the further encouragement of the collieries of this kingdom, and to prevent unlawful combinations to raise the price of coals in said city. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Arthur Jones Nevill's barracks contracts | To oblige Arthur Jones Nevill, esquire, late engineer and surveyor-general, at his own expense, and without any further charge to the public, to make good the defects in the several barracks, built, rebuilt and repaired under his direction, and to complete the same in the most effectual manner, according to the several contracts entered into for that purpose. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Registration of Popish clergy | For a general registry of Popish priests. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Corn measures | To explain and amend an act passed in the 1st year of the his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act for regulating the measures made use of in buying and selling of corn, and for promoting husbandry in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Gaming | To prevent excessive gaming. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Road from Kanturk, Co. Cork, to Cork City | For making a turnpike road from the town of Canturk, in the county of Cork, over the new bridge on the Blackwater, to the city of Cork. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Tithes and maintenance for parish clerks | For amending, continuing and making more effectual the several acts in force in this kingdom for the more easy recovery of tithes and other ecclesiastical dues of small value, and also for the more easy providing and maintenance for parish clerks. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Road from Mallow, Co. Cork, to Kilmeany, Co. Kerry | For explaining, amending and making more effectual an act passed in the 29th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act for making and repairing the road leading from the town of Mallow, in the county of Cork, to Newcastle, in the county of Limerick, and from thence through the Fair-place of Glin to Kilmeany, in the county of Kerry. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Repair of highways | To alter and amend the laws made for the repair of highways. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Road from Ballynagarr, King's Co., to Clane, Co. Kildare | To continue, explain and amend an act, entitled, an act for making and keeping in repair a road from the town of Ballynagar, in the King's County, through the Bog of Allen and lands adjacent, to the town of Clane, in the County of Kildare. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Additional duty | For granting and continuing to his majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, hides and other goods and merchandises therein mentioned, and also for prohibiting the importation of gold and silver lace, except of the manufacture of Great Britain. | 31 George II c.1 |
1757 | Corn and flour supply for Dublin | For better supplying the city of Dublin with corn and flour. | 31 George II c.3 |
1757 | Distilling of corn, etc. | To prevent the distilling of spirits from wheat, oats, bere, barley, malt, beans and peas, or from any potatoes, meal or flour of wheat, oats, bere, barley, malt, beans or peas, for a limited time. | 31 George II c.2 |
1757 | Preventing fires | For preventing accidents of fire in cities and towns corporate. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Qualification of office holders under act to prevent further growth of Popery | For allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves, pursuant to an act, entitled, an act to prevent the further growth of Popery. | 31 George II c.4 |
1757 | Limiting duration of parliaments | To limit the time of the sitting of parliaments, and for the more frequent calling of new parliaments in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Dissolving union of parishes of Clonliff and Dromgath | For dissolving the union of the parishes of Clonliff and Dromgath in the diocese of Dromore. | 31 George II c.5 |
1757 | Coal trade in Dublin, and collieries | For the better supplying the city of Dublin with coals, and for the better encouragement of the collieries of this kingdom. | 31 George II c.14 |
1757 | Coal trade in Dublin | To prevent unlawful combinations to raise the price of coals in the city of Dublin. | 31 George II c.15 |
1757 | John Allen Johnson | To enable and empower certain trustees to demise or lease certain houses and ground in the city and suburbs of the city of Dublin in the kingdom of Ireland, the estate of John Allen Johnson, a minor, under the age of 21 years, for any number of years, or for lives, with or without covenants of renewal forever, in possession or reversion. | 31 George II c.4 (private) |
1757 | Arthur Hill; Ann Hill, otherwise Stafford; Reverend Samuel Hutchinson | To enable the parties in a suit now depending in his majesty's court of chancery in Ireland, wherein the Right Honourable Arthur Hill, esquire, and Ann Hill, otherwise Stafford his wife, are plaintiffs, and the Reverend Samuel Hutchinson, dean of Dromore, and several others, are defendants, to raise the sum of £5,500 and interest, and to pay the same to the plaintiffs, pursuant to an agreement, in order finally to end the said suit amicably, as also to raise the money expended by the defendants in defending the said suit, and to defray the expenses that shall attend the passing of this act, and to enable Henry Hutchinson O'Hara, esquire, and also the Reverend Hutchinson Hamilton, clerk, and Charles Hamilton, esquire, to make leases of certain lands in this bill particularly mentioned, and to preserve the contingent remainders limited by the will of the Right Reverend Francis Hutchinson, late lord bishop of Down and Connor, from being defeated and destroyed. | 31 George II c.5 (private) |
1757 | Sale of spirituous liquors on credit | To prevent the mischief arising from the credit given by retailers of spirituous liquors. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Grand jury presentments | To enable grand juries to raise by presentment the costs attending prosecutions on presentments of nuisances and encroachments. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Improvement of unreclaimed lands | For the improvement of unreclaimed lands. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Clerical residence | More effectually to enable the clergy, having cure of souls, to reside upon their respective benefices, and to build upon their respective glebe lands. | 31 George II c.11 |
1757 | Clerical residence | More effectually to enforce the residence of the inferior clergy. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Hawkers and pedlars, and English Protestant schools | For licensing hawkers and pedlars, and for encouragement of English Protestant schools. | 31 George II c.7 |
1757 | Continuing temporary statutes | For reviving, continuing and amending several temporary statutes. | 31 George II c.9 |
1757 | Frauds and abuses in manufactures | For the more effectually preventing frauds committed by persons employed in the manufacture of hats, and in the fustian, cotton, iron, fur, woollen, mohair and silk manufactures of this kingdom, and for continuing and amending an act made in the 7th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act to prevent frauds and abuses in bay yarn exported to Great Britain. | 31 George II c.10 |
1757 | Revenue | For continuing and amending the several laws heretofore made relating to his majesty's revenue, and for the more effectual preventing of frauds in his majesty's customs and excise. | 31 George II c.6 |
1757 | Cattle trade | To prevent salesmen from being graziers, and to redress several abuses in buying and selling of cattle and meat. | 31 George II c.8 |
1757 | Relief of creditors of Burton's, Falkiner's and Harrison's banks | For the more effectual carrying into execution an act, entitled, an act for the relief of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkiner, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton, Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkiner, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Samuel Burton, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Francis Harrison. | 31 George II c.12 |
1757 | Baal's Bridge at Limerick | For the widening and repairing or rebuilding a bridge called Baal's Bridge in the city and garrison of Limerick, and for enabling and obliging the persons entitled to the houses and ground on the said bridge to dispose of their interests in the same on reasonable terms, for the purposes aforesaid. | 31 George II c.20 |
1757 | Pigot Parsons St George; William and Laurence Parsons; Sir Ralph Gore St George | To enable Pigot Parsons St George, esquire, William Parsons, esquire, William Parsons and Laurence Parsons, minors, under the age of 21 years, sons of the said William Parsons, to sell one undivided 3rd part of the several lands in the county of Galway, for the payment of charges and encumbrances affecting the same, and other purposes therein mentioned, and to enable Sir Ralph Gore St George, baronet, to sell and dispose of the manor, deer park, towns and lands of Manor Hamilton in the co. Leitrim, part of his settled estate, and with the money arising from the sale of the said lands, to purchase the undivided 3rd part of the said lands in the co. Galway, and settle the same to the same uses that the said manor, town and lands of Manor Hamilton are settled. | 31 George II c.2 (private) |
1757 | Thomas Shaw | For vesting the estate of Thomas Shaw of the town of Galway, esquire, in trustees, to be sold for the payment of encumbrances affecting the same. | 31 George II c.6 (private) |
1757 | John Bayly | To supply an omission in a settlement made on the intermarriage of John Bayly of Desborough in the county of Tipperary esquire, and to confirm the remainders limited by the said settlement to the sons of the said John Bayly, by an after taken wife. | 31 George II c.1 (private) |
1757 | Arthur Jones Nevill's barracks contracts | To oblige Arthur Jones Nevill, esquire, late engineer and surveyor-general, at his own expense, and without any further charge to the public, to deliver up, upon oath, all contracts and all bills of scantling or admeasurements, as also, all bonds and other securities by him taken for the performance of the said contracts, with respect to the several barracks built, rebuilt or repaired under his direction, and to assign the said bonds or other securities to his majesty's use, and to oblige the several contractors, who entered into the said several contracts, at their own expense, and without any further charge to the public, to make good the defects in the several barracks built, rebuilt and repaired by them, under the direction of the said Arthur Jones Nevill, and to complete the same in the most effectual manner according to the several contracts entered into for that purpose by them respectively. And to oblige the several barrack masters, in whose charge the same have been, to repair the same according to the rules of the barrack board, and also, for establishing an easy and summary method of proceeding, for the purposes aforesaid. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Recovery of small debts in Dublin | For the recovery of small debts in a summary way in the city of Dublin, and the liberties thereof. | 31 George II c.16 |
1757 | Baking trade | For the better regulation of the baking trade. | Not Enacted |
1757 | Frauds in lappers, and combinations in weavers | To prevent frauds in lappers and others, and to prevent abuses in the manufacture of kelp, and to prevent unlawful combinations in weavers and others. | 31 George II c.17 |
1757 | Wide streets in Dublin | For making a wide and convenient way, street and passage from Essex Bridge to the Castle of Dublin, and for other purposes therein mentioned. | 31 George II c.19 |
1757 | Salmon and herring fisheries | To explain and amend the several laws made in this kingdom for the more effectual preservation of salmon fish and fry, and for the better improvement of the herring fishery. | 31 George II c.13 |
1757 | Dame Mary Parsons, Sir William Parsons | For vesting the estate of Dame Mary Parsons, daughter and heiress of John Cleare, late of Kilbury in the Co. Tipperary, esquire, deceased, comprehended in certain articles previous to the marriage of the said Dame Mary with Sir William Parsons, baronet, in certain trustees, for sale of a sufficient part thereof, to discharge the debts of the said John Cleare, and also the debts not exceeding £6,000 of the said Sir William Parsons, and for settling such part of the estate of the said Dame Mary as shall remain unsold, and the whole of the estate of the said Sir William Parsons comprehended in articles so executed, previous to the intermarriage of the said Sir William Parsons and Dame Mary, to and for the uses and purposes mentioned in or intended by the said articles, touching the said estates respectively, and also for settling certain lands which the said Sir William Parsons is seized in fee of, to the same uses and for the same trusts, intents and purposes, expressed in the said articles touching and concerning the estate of the said Dame Mary Parsons, except only so far as the said articles relate to the debts of the said John Cleare. | 31 George II c.3 (private) |
1757 | Road from Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, to Limerick | For making and repairing the road from the town of Castlecomer in the county of Kilkenny, through the towns of Ballyraggett, Freshford and Hurlingford in the said county, to the town of Dundrum in the county of Tipperary, and from thence through Newcastle to the city of Limerick. | 31 George II c.18 |
1757 | Poynings' law | To explain an act made in the 10th year of the reign of King Henry VII entitled an act that no parliament be holden in this land, until the act be certified into England, and also one other act made in the 3rd and 4th years of Philip and Mary entitled an act declaring how Poynings' act shall be expounded and taken. | Not Enacted |