99 Matching Records |
Session | Short Title | Title | Statute Number |
1796B | American trade | For further continuing an act, entitled, an act for facilitating the trade and intercourse between this kingdom and the United States of America. | 37 George III c.15 |
1796B | Seduction of his majesty's forces | To prevent attempts to seduce his majesty's forces from their duty. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Seduction of his majesty's forces | For the better prevention and punishment of attempts to seduce persons serving in his majesty's forces by sea or land, from their duty and allegiance to his majesty, or to incite them to mutiny or disobedience. | 37 George III c.40 |
1796B | Bankers' notes | For the relief of bankers who have or shall stop payment, or who have or shall conform to the directions of the act of parliament, of the 33 of George II, called the Bankers' Act. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Bankrupts | For the relief of uncertified bankrupts. | 37 George III c.25 |
1796B | Payments in cash by the Bank | For confirming and continuing for a limited time, the restrictions contained in the minute of council of the second day of March, 1797, on payments in cash by the Bank. | 37 George III c.51 |
1796B | Forgery | To prevent the forging of notes and bills of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and to prevent the obtaining of false credit, and the committing of frauds by the imitation of notes or bills of the said Governor and Company. | 37 George III c.26 |
1796B | Conversion of government debentures | To enable the proprietors of debentures issued by government to convert them into stock transferable at the Bank of Ireland. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Conversion of government debentures | To enable the proprietors of debentures issued by government, to convert them into stock transferable at the Bank of Ireland. | 37 George III c.54 |
1796B | Bank of Ireland | For further extending the provisions of an act passed in the 21st and 22nd years of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for establishing a bank, by the name of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland of the Bank of Ireland, and for exempting the governors and directors of the Bank for serving on juries. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Bank of Ireland | For further extending the provisions of an act passed in the 21st and 22nd years of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for establishing a bank by the name of the governor and company of the Bank of Ireland. | 37 George III c.50 |
1796B | Bounties for manufactures | For regulating the payment of bounties on the exportation of certain manufactures of this kingdom. | 37 George III c.5 |
1796B | Building regulation in Dublin | For the better regulation of buildings and party walls, and for the more effectually preventing the fatal effects of fire within the city of Dublin, the liberties and precincts thereof, and all places within the same, and for regulating the business of measuring buildings within the said limits. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Hackneys in Dublin | For amending and reducing into one act of parliament the laws relating to hackney and other carriages plying in the city of Dublin, its suburbs and liberties, and within seven miles thereof. | 37 George III c.58 |
1796B | Chalkers | More effectually to prevent malicious cutting and wounding, disabling and disfiguring his Majesty's subjects, and to repeal and act passed in the 13th and 14th years of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act to prevent malicious cutting and wounding, and to punish offenders, called chalkers, and to repeal an act passed in the 17th and 18th years of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for continuing and amending an act passed in the 14th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act to prevent malicious cutting and wounding. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Foundling hospitals and county infirmaries | For the better regulation of the foundling hospital of the city of Dublin, and for establishing a foundling hospital in every county in this kingdom, and for the further regulation of county infirmaries. | Not Enacted |
1796B | House of industry in Dublin | For the better governing and managing the house of industry for the relief of the poor in Dublin. | 37 George III c.34 |
1796B | Immorality, vice and children born out of wedlock | To restrain immorality and vice, and for establishing certain regulations in respect to parents of children born out of wedlock. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Chapels of ease, and clerical residence | For amending an act passed in this kingdom in the 11th and 12th years of his present majesty, entitled, an act for erecting parochial chapels of ease in parishes of large extent, and making such chapels and those that are already erected perpetual cures, and for making a proper provision for the maintenance of perpetual curates to officiate in the same, and also in like manner for making appropriate parishes perpetual cures. | 37 George III c.37 |
1796B | Coal trade in Dublin | To regulate the coal trade of the city and county of Dublin, and to prevent impositions and practices therein injurious to the citizens of Dublin and its vicinity, and to remove those restrictions of which the masters of the vessels in that trade complain. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Constables, and criminal process | To amend and extend an act passed in the 32nd year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for the better enforcing the criminal law in certain parts of this Kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Constables, and criminal process | To amend and extend an act passed in the 32nd year of his present majesty, entitled, an act for regulating the office of constable, and for better enforcing the process of the criminal law in certain parts of this Kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Advancement of agriculture, corn supply for Dublin, corn exports | For the further advancement of agriculture, and a steady supply of corn for the city of Dublin, by extending the export bounties on corn and flour to the said city, and discounting all inland, canal and coast bounties thereto. | 37 George III c.24 |
1796B | Reduction of national debt | For vesting a certain fund in commissioners at the end of every quarter of a year, to be by them applied to the reduction of the national debt, and to direct the application of additional funds in case of future loans to the like purpose. | 37 George III c.27 |
1796B | Insolvent debtors | For the relief of insolvent debtors in regard to the imprisonment of their persons. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Insolvent debtors | For the relief of confined debtors who may be insolvent. | 37 George III c.48 |
1796B | Fugitives and debtors | For the relief of fugitives and debtors surrendering their persons and assigning all their property, in certain cases and under certain conditions. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Maintenance of prisoners for debt | For the relief and maintenance of insolvent persons detained in prison. | 37 George III c.49 |
1796B | Distillers | For regulating the trade of a distiller, and for securing the duties payable upon homemade spirits. | 37 George III c.16 |
1796B | Dublin Society grant | For directing the application of the sum of £5, 500 granted by parliament to the Dublin Society, for the improvement of husbandry and other useful arts. | 37 George III c.41 |
1796B | Regulating parliament elections | To explain and amend the laws respecting the election of members to serve in parliament. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Regulating parliament elections | For the further regulation of the election of members to serve in parliament. | 37 George III c.47 |
1796B | Game laws | To amend the game laws. | 37 George III c.21 |
1796B | Habeas corpus suspension | To empower the Lord Lieutenant or other chief governor or governors of Ireland to apprehend and detain such persons as he or they shall suspect for conspiring against his majesty's person and government. | 37 George III c.1 |
1796B | Port of Drogheda | To amend an act passed in the 30th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act for the improvement of the port and harbour of Drogheda, and the better regulation of the police of said town. | 37 George III c.56 |
1796B | Indemnity for persons acting for preservation of peace | For indemnifying such persons as have acted since the 1st day of January, 1797, for the preservation of the public peace, and suppression of the insurrections prevailing in some parts of this kingdom. | 37 George III c.39 |
1796B | Government loan | For securing the payment of the annuities and the interest upon the principal sums therein provided for, and towards the discharge of such principal sums in such manner as therein is directed, and for enabling the officers of his majesty's treasury to receive certain sums for a limited time, in manner therein mentioned, and for granting to his majesty a certain sum of money out of the consolidated fund, and for applying a certain sum of money therein mentioned, for the service of the year 1797, and for other purposes. | 37 George III c.4 |
1796B | Government loan | For raising by loan the several sums therein mentioned, towards the supply granted to his majesty for the service of the year 1797, and for securing the payment of the interest thereof, and for enabling the commissioners of the treasury of Ireland, to receive from the commissioners of the treasury in England, the sums therein mentioned towards the said loan, and for securing an interest for the same, and to provide for the discharge of the said sum. | 37 George III c.32 |
1796B | Linen and hemp | For the further regulation of the linen and hempen manufactures. | 37 George III c.61 |
1796B | Militia | To explain and amend the laws now in force relating to the militia of this kingdom. | 37 George III c.19 |
1796B | Militia | For defraying the charge of the pay and clothing of the militia for one year from the 25th day of March, 1797. | 37 George III c.7 |
1796B | Militia | For making allowances in certain cases to subaltern officers of the militia in time of peace. | 37 George III c.20 |
1796B | Gold mine in Co. Wicklow | To enable the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury to conduct the working of a gold mine in the county of Wicklow, and for securing the profits thereof. | 37 George III c.17 |
1796B | Mutiny | For punishing mutiny and desertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters within this kingdom. | 37 George III c.13 |
1796B | Inland navigation | To amend an act, entitled an act to for the further improving and carrying on of inland navigations not being in the whole or any part private property, and for regulating the mode of building bridges on highways where the same are intersected by any canal. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Grand Canal, and wide streets commissioners | To authorise the issuing of treasury bills to the amount therein mentioned, to the company of the Grand Canal, to carry on a navigation to the Shannon, and to authorise the issuing of debentures to the amount therein mentioned, to enable the company of the Royal Canal to proceed in carrying on the said canal, and for granting to the commissioners for making wide and convenient street in Dublin the sums therein mentioned for the purposes therein mentioned. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Grand Canal, and wide streets commissioners | To authorise the treasury bills to the amount therein mentioned, to the company of the Grand Canal, to carry on a navigation to the Shannon, and to authorise the issuing of debentures to the amount therein mentioned, to enable the company of the Royal Canal to proceed in carrying on the said canal, and for granting to the commissioners for making wide and convenient street in Dublin the sum therein mentioned for the purposes therein mentioned. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Grand Canal and Royal Canal | To authorise the treasury bills to the amount therein mentioned, to the company of the Grand Canal, to carry on a navigation to the Shannon, and to authorise the issuing of debentures to the amount therein mentioned, to enable the company of the Royal Canal to proceed in carrying on the said canal. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Parish estates | For the preservation of estates belonging to parishes. | 37 George III c.44 |
1796B | Paving, lighting and cleansing in Dublin, and bridge at Islandbridge | To amend and continue an act passed in the 30th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act to extend the powers of the corporation for paving, cleansing and lighting the streets of Dublin, and to enable the corporation to build a bridge across the Anna Liffey at Islandbridge, and to enable the corporation to borrow certain sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned. | 37 George III c.22 |
1796B | Presentments in Dublin | To extend to presentments exceeding £200 to be expended on mail coach roads, the regulations of an act passed in the 35th year of the king, entitled, an act for the regulation of presentments, for the purpose of levying money to be expended in erecting court-houses, gaols and other expensive buildings. | 37 George III c.23 |
1796B | Thomas Walker, John French, Bartholomew Basterot | To make good and valid in law a certain conveyance of lands, tenements and hereditaments in the county of Galway, executed by Thomas Walker, esquire, committee of John James Martin Francis French, an insane, to Bartholomew Basterot the purchaser thereof, under a decree of the court of chancery in Ireland. | [37 George III no. 3 (private)] |
1796B | John Dennis; James, Baron Tracton | To enable John Dennis, of the city of Dublin, esquire, barrister-at-law, now in possession, and after his decease the other persons next in remainder, under the will of the late James, lord baron Tracton, deceased, when they shall respectively be in possession, to make a lease or leases for lives renewable for ever, or for as long a tern as the said James, lord baron Tracton, in his lifetime could or might have made of part of the lands or Newton in the county of Dublin, containing by estimation 23 acres. | [37 George III no. 2 (private)] |
1796B | Sarah Hamilton, Reverend William Hamilton | To enable his majesty to grant an annuity to certain trustees therein named, in trust for Sarah Hamilton, widow of the Reverend Doctor William Hamilton, deceased, and for the children of the said Sarah by the said William Hamilton. | 37 George III c.62 |
1796B | Alice Knipe, Reverend George Knipe | To enable his majesty to grant an annuity to certain trustees therein named, in trust for Alice Knipe, widow of the Reverend George Knipe, deceased, and for the children of the said George Knipe, namely, John, George, Frances and Anne. | 37 George III c.63 |
1796B | Princess of Wirtemburgh | To enable his majesty to grant a certain pension to the Princess Royal, upon her intended marriage with the hereditary prince of Wirtemburgh. | 37 George III c.60 |
1796B | Dissolving marriage of earl of Westmeath and countess of Westmeath | To dissolve the marriage of George Frederick, earl of Westmeath, with Ann, countess of Westmeath, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again. | [37 George III no. 1 (private)] |
1796B | Qualification | For the relief of persons who have omitted to qualify themselves according to law. | 37 George III c.57 |
1796B | Duties | For granting for one year, the several duties therein mentioned, in lieu of all other duties payable upon the articles therein specified during the said term, and for regulating the trade between this kingdom and his majesty's colonies, and for other purposes therein mentioned. | 37 George III c.3 |
1796B | Revenue | For better regulating the collection of his majesty's revenue, and for preventing of frauds therein, and for repealing an act made in the 36th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for continuing and amending the several laws relating to his majesty's revenue, and further preventing frauds therein, and the several acts and statutes which are mentioned in the said act, and continued thereby. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Revenue | For better regulating the collection of his majesty's revenue, and for preventing of frauds therein, and for repealing an act made in the 36th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for continuing and amending the several laws relating to his majesty's revenue, and further preventing frauds therein, and the several acts and statutes which are mentioned in the said act, and continued thereby. | 37 George III c.30 |
1796B | Duties | For granting to his majesty a duty on auctions, on certain manufactures of glass, and on paper hangings, and for granting further duties on the importation of corks, glauber salts, sal-ammoniac, and paper hangings, and a further duty of licences to keep malt houses, and for securing the duties granted on hides and skins tanned with shumack and dressed in oil, and for granting certain sums out of the surplus of the consolidated fund, for salaries to the professors of Italian, French, German, and Spanish languages in Trinity College, Dublin, and for granting certain duties and additional duties to be levied by the commissioners of the stamp duties. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Additional duty | For granting to his majesty a duty on auctions, on certain manufactures of glass and on paper hangings, and for granting further duties on the importation of corks, glauber salts and paper hangings, and a further duty on licences to keep malt houses, and for securing the duties granted on hides and skins tanned with shumack and dressed in oil, and for granting certain sums out of the surplus of the consolidated fund, for salaries to the professors of Italian, French, German, and Spanish languages in Trinity College, Dublin, and for granting certain duties and additional duties to be levied by the commissioners of stamp duties. | 37 George III c.28 |
1796B | Duties on coffee | For regulating the import, export, and sale of coffee, and for securing the duties payable thereupon. | 37 George III c.52 |
1796B | Duties on fire hearths | For granting to his majesty for one year the duties therein mentioned on fire hearths, in lieu of all duties payable on the same during the said term. | 37 George III c.9 |
1796B | Duties on leather | For granting to his majesty the duties therein mentioned upon hides and skins and manufactures of leather. | 37 George III c.8 |
1796B | Licences for sale of ale and spirits | For regulating the issuing of licences for the sale of wine, ale, beer, cider and spirituous liquors by retail, and for preventing the immoderate use of spirituous liquors. | 37 George III c.45 |
1796B | Duties on malt | For collecting and securing his majesty's revenue upon malt. | 37 George III c.33 |
1796B | Duties on letters and packets | For granting to his majesty, his heirs and successors, certain duties and rates upon the portage and conveyance of all letters and packets within this kingdom. | 37 George III c.11 |
1796B | Distillers | To regulate the trade of rectifying of spirits, and to subject distillers to certain regulations therein mentioned. | 37 George III c.46 |
1796B | Stamp duties | For granting to his majesty, his heirs and successors, several duties therein mentioned to be levied by the commissioners for managing the stamp duties. | 37 George III c.12 |
1796B | Stamp duties | For the relief of persons who have omitted or may omit, inadvertently to pay certain stamp duties herein mentioned, on deeds or other instruments, and for ascertaining the duty payable on hats imported into this kingdom. | 37 George III c.43 |
1796B | Sugar drawbacks and bounties | For the reduction of drawbacks and bounties now allowed on the exportation of sugar. | 37 George III c.6 |
1796B | Tobacco trade, and duties | For regulating and extending the tobacco trade, and for securing the duties payable upon the import and manufacture of tobacco. | 37 George III c.42 |
1796B | Riots | To repeal an act passed in the 36th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act more effectually to suppress insurrections, and to prevent the disturbance of the public peace. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Riots | To explain an act passed in the 36th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act more effectually to suppress insurrections, and to prevent the disturbance of the public peace. | 37 George III c.38 |
1796B | Preservation of roads and bridges, and preservation of the peace | For enabling justices of the peace and conservators and overseers of highways, to enforce the provisions of the laws of preservation of roads and bridges, and for giving further assistance to magistrates for the preservation of the peace. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Grand jury presentments for repair of public roads | To amend an act passed in the 36th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act for the amendment of public roads, for directing the powers of grand juries respecting presentments, and for repealing several laws heretofore made for those purposes, with respect to roads through bogs. | 37 George III c.35 |
1796B | Road from Dublin to Kilcullen Bridge, Co. Kildare | To amend an act passed in the 27th year of his present majesty, entitled, an act for improving and repairing the turnpike road leading from the city of Dublin to Kilcullen-bridge in the county of Kildare, and to the 21 mile stone, westward of the said road | 37 George III c.55 |
1796B | Road from Dublin to Ratoath, and road from Dublin to Curragha | For improving and repairing the roads from the city of Dublin to Ratoath and Curragha, and for altering and amending an act passed in the 35th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act for making, widening and repairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to Ratoath, and for erecting turnpikes thereon in aid of barony presentments. | 37 George III c.29 |
1796B | Salt sales | To prevent exactions upon the sale of salt. | 37 George III c.18 |
1796B | Galway sheriffs | For the relief of the sheriffs of the county of the town of Galway, and to enable officers of the exchequer to examine the accounts of the late tellers of the exchequer, and to make certain allowances therein. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Wide streets in Dublin | For granting to the commissioners for making wide and convenient streets in Dublin, the sums therein mentioned for the purposes therein mentioned. | 37 George III c.59 |
1796B | Trespass by cattle, and fences | To prevent the vexatious impounding of cattle for trespass or damage feasant, and for the more effectual preserving of meares and fences. | 37 George III c.36 |
1796B | Frauds in sale of goods by weight or measure | For preventing frauds in the sale of goods and merchandises sold by weight or measure. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Law | For amending the law in certain particulars therein contained. | Not Enacted |
1796B | George Montgomery | For the more effectual and beneficial raising of certain sums of money, decreed by the high court of chancery, to be raised out of the real estates of the counties of Cavan and Fermanagh, of George Montgomery, esquire, a lunatic. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Foundlings | For the better care of foundlings and other deserted children in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Security of imports | For the more secure importation during a limited time, of the several goods and materials of manufacture therein mentioned. | 37 George III c.31 |
1796B | Sinking fund | To establish a sinking fund, to insert a clause or clauses therein, authorising the Bank of Ireland to keep transfer books, in which all persons holding debentures for loans may, upon giving up such debentures to be cancelled, have the principal sums secured thereby turned into capital stock to be transferable at the bank, and to make the interest of such capital stock payable at the said bank. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Export and import | To regulate the export, import and sale of certain articles therein mentioned. | 37 George III c.53 |
1796B | Volunteer corps | For encouraging and disciplining such corps of men as shall voluntarily enrol themselves under officers to be commissioned by his majesty, for the defence of this kingdom during the present war. | 37 George III c.2 |
1796B | Encouragement of agriculture by partition of common fields | For the further encouragement of agriculture by enabling persons interested in common fields to obtain partitions thereof. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Stealing of dogs | To explain and amend an act, entitled an act to prevent the stealing of dogs. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Volunteer corps | For encouraging and disciplining such corps of men as shall voluntarily enrol themselves under officers to be commissioned by his majesty, for the defence of this kingdom during the present war. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Armagh compensation | To enable certain inhabitants of the county of Armagh, who have been injured in their person or properties, to recover compensation for such injuries by presentment, notwithstanding the time by law prescribed for applying for such presentments be lapsed. | 37 George III c.10 |
1796B | Sugar prices | To prevent the excessive price of refined sugar in this kingdom. | 37 George III c.14 |
1796B | Law agents | To regulate the conduct of law and other agents. | Not Enacted |
1796B | Aliens and foreign service | For continuing an act passed in the 33rd year of his majesty's reign entitled an act for establishing regulations respecting aliens arriving in this kingdom or resident therein in certain cases, and subjects of this kingdom who have served or are serving in foreign armies and for continuing another act passed in the same year entitled an act to prevent the importation of arms, gunpowder and ammunition into this kingdom, and the making, removing, selling and keeping of gunpowder, arms and ammunition without licence, and for amending the said last mentioned act | Not Enacted |