111 Matching Records |
Session | Short Title | Title | Statute Number |
1798 | Preventing return of persons transported for rebellion | To prevent persons returning to this kingdom who have been or shall be transported on account of the present rebellion, and to hinder their going into the enemy's country. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Church building | To explain and amend an act passed in the 32nd year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act further promote the building of new churches. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Study of the laws | For rendering the study of the laws more easy and more beneficial for the people of this realm. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Workhouse and foundling hospital, and house of industry, in Dublin | For the better management of the workhouse and foundling hospital in Dublin, and to continue for a limited time the government and management of the house of industry for the relief of the poor in Dublin, under the present acting governors thereof. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Preservation of peace and parish watches in Dublin | To amend and explain an act in the 35th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for more effectually preserving the peace within the city of Dublin and the district of the metropolis, and establishing a parochial watch in the said city, and also to amend and explain one other act passed in the 36th year of his present majesty, entitled, an act to explain and amend an act passed in the 35th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for more effectually preserving the peace within the city of Dublin and the district of the metropolis, and establishing a parochial watch in the said city. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Ballynacor, Co. Wicklow, barony division | For dividing the barony of Ballynacor in the county of Wicklow into two divisions for the purposes of the act of the 36th year of his present majesty's reign, for the better and more convenient administration of justice, and recovery of small debts in a summary way. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Administration of justice | For further securing the impartial administration of justice. | Not Enacted |
1798 | House tax in Dublin | For the better collection of the duties now payable on houses in the city and liberties of Dublin for the better support of the foundling hospital and workhouse, of a parochial watch, and for the paving, cleansing and lighting the streets of Dublin. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Constables, and process of law | For the better regulating the appointment and office of constable, and for enforcing the process of the law. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Forgery | More effectually to prevent frauds by forgeries in this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Juries in Dublin | To regulate the attendance of jurors at nisi prius in the city and county of Dublin. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Church building | To explain and amend an act passed in the 32nd year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act further promote the building of new churches. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Tithes | For the more easy and effectual recovery of tithes and other ecclesiastical dues of small value, and for comprising into one act the several laws now in force for the recovery of the same, where they do not amount to above the year value of 40s. from any one person, and for repealing all other laws for the recovery of the same. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Auctions in Dublin | To regulate the sale of goods by auction in the city of Dublin. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Forgery of bankers' notes | For the more effectual preventing the forging of bank notes and bills of bankers within the kingdom of Ireland, and the circulation of forged notes and bills of bankers throughout the said kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Children born out of wedlock | For establishing certain regulations in respect to parents of children born out of wedlock. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Road from Dublin to Malahide | For granting certain tolls, rates and duties to be taken at the turnpikes on the roads leading over Ballybough and Annesley Bridges, in aid of barony presentments and in lieu of the tolls formerly payable at such turnpikes, and for amending the laws for making, widening and repairing the said roads, and for making perpetual the several acts of parliament relating thereto. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Militia | To consider the laws now in force for regulating the militia. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Nuisances from manufactures in Dublin | To preserve the health and secure the properties of the inhabitants of the city of Dublin by preventing certain manufactures from being carried on therein which are dangerous and productive of nuisance. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Robert Boyd | To enable his majesty to grant an annuity of £1,600 per annum to Robert Boyd, for his services as a judge. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Amnesty | For the king's most gracious, general and free pardon. | 38 George III c.55 |
1798 | Impositions in travelling | To prevent impositions in travelling throughout this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Quit, crown and composition rents | For sale of his majesty's quit rents, crown and other rents, and of the lands forfeited in the years 1641 and 1688, and other lands yet remaining undisposed of, in such manner, and under such provisions as are therein mentioned. | 38 George III c.72 |
1798 | Quo warrantos | For the amendment of the law in proceedings upon information in nature of quo warranto. | 38 George III c.2 |
1798 | Mutiny | For punishing mutiny and desertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters within this kingdom. | 38 George III c.27 |
1798 | Militia | For defraying the charge of the pay and clothing of the militia for one year from the 25th day of March 1798. | 38 George III c.1 |
1798 | Road from Cork to boundary of Cos. Cork and Tipperary, near Kilworth mountain | For improving and repairing the turnpike road leading from the city of Cork to the brook, which bounds the counties of Cork and Tipperary, near the foot of Kilworth Mountain, and for repealing the several laws heretofore made relating to the said road. | 38 George III c.22 |
1798 | American trade | For further continuing an act, entitled, an act for facilitating the trade and intercourse between this kingdom and the United States of America. | 38 George III c.13 |
1798 | Bounties for manufactures | For regulating the payment of bounties on the exportation of certain manufactures of this kingdom. | 38 George III c.6 |
1798 | Duties on leather | For granting to his majesty the duties therein mentioned upon hides and skins tanned, and on hides and skins dressed in oil, and upon vellum and parchment, and upon manufactures of leather. | 38 George III c.23 |
1798 | Duties on fire hearths | For granting to his majesty for one year the duties therein mentioned on fire hearths in lieu of all duties payable on the same during the said term. | 38 George III c.9 |
1798 | Roads from Cork to Killarney, and from Shanah-Mill to Killarney and to Listowel | To explain and amend an act, entitled, an act for repairing the road leading from the city of Cork through Millstreet to Shanah-Mill in the county of Kerry, and from Shanah-Mill to Killarney, as also from Shanah-Mill, through Castleisland, to Listowel in the said county, and for laying an additional toll at all turnpikes in this kingdom on all cars and carriages making use of any part of any sapling or trees, as for a bow or back band, or for making use of any saplings twisted into gads for back bands, halters, traces to draw by, or gads commonly called long gad. An also an act, entitled, an act to explain and amend an act, entitled, an act for repairing the roads leading from the city of Cork through Mill street, to Shannah Mill in the county of Kerry, and from Shannah Mill to Killaney, as also from Shannah Mill through castle island to Listowell, in said county, and for laying an additional toll at all turnpikes in this kingdom on all cars and carriages making use of any part of any sapling or trees, as for a bow or back band, or making use of any sapling twisted into gads for backbands, halters, traces to draw by, or gads, commonly called long gads. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Aliens and gunpowder | For continuing an act passed in the 33rd year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for establishing regulations respecting aliens arriving in this kingdom or resident therein in certain cases, and subjects of this kingdom who have served or are serving in foreign armies, and for continuing another act passed in the 36th year of his present majesty, entitled, an act to prevent the importation of arms, gunpowder and ammunition into this kingdom, and the making and removing, selling and keeping of gunpowder, arms and ammunition without licence. | 38 George III c.16 |
1798 | Grand jury presentments for repair of public roads | To repeal so much of an act passed in the 36th year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act for the amendment of public roads, for directing the powers of grand juries respecting presentments, and for repealing several laws heretofore made for those purposes, as relates to the accounting for public money in the county of Tyrone. | 38 George III c.3 |
1798 | Small debts or civil bills | To amend an act passed in the 36th year of his present majesty, entitled, an act for the better and more convenient administration of justice, and for the recovery of small debts in a summary way at the sessions of the peace of the several counties at large within this kingdom, except the county of Dublin, and for continuing and amending an act, entitled, an act for the better execution of the law, and preservation of the peace within counties at large. | 38 George III c.25 |
1798 | Habeas corpus suspension | For continuing an act passed in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act to empower the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors of Ireland, to apprehend and detain such persons as he or they shall suspect for conspiring against his majesty's persons and government. | 38 George III c.14 |
1798 | Riots | For continuing an act passed in the 36th year of the his majesty's reign , entitled, an act more effectually to suppress insurrections, and to prevent the disturbance of the public peace, and also an act passed in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act to explain an act passed in the 36th year of the his majesty's reign, entitled, an act more effectually to suppress insurrections, and to prevent the disturbance of the public peace. | 38 George III c.21 |
1798 | Collection of duties | To secure the collection of the duties on auctions and glass bottles made in this kingdom, and on paper printed, painted or stained in this kingdom, to serve for hangings or other uses, and to prevent frauds therein. | 38 George III c.24 |
1798 | Road from Banbridge, Co. Down, to Belfast | To amend the mail coach road leading from Banbridge to Belfast. | 38 George III c.28 |
1798 | Stamp duties | For granting to his majesty, his heirs and successors the several duties therein mentioned, to be levied by the commissioners for managing the stamp duties. | 38 George III c.18 |
1798 | Liberty of press, and publication of libels | To amend an act passed in the 23rd and 24th years of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act to secure the liberty of the press, by preventing the abuses arising from the publication of traitorous, seditious, false and slanderous libels by persons unknown. | 38 George III c.7 |
1798 | Duties on letters and packets | For granting to his majesty, his heirs and successors for one year from 25 March 1798 certain duties and rates upon the portage and conveyance of all letters and packets within this kingdom. | 38 George III c.15 |
1798 | Government loan | For securing the payment of the annuities and of the interest of the principal sums therein provided for, and towards the discharge of such principal sums in such manner as therein directed, and for enabling the officers of his majesty's treasury to receive certain sums for a limited time in manner therein mentioned, and for granting to his majesty a certain sum of money out of the consolidated fund, and for applying a certain sum of money therein mentioned for the service of the year 1798, and for other purposes. | 38 George III c.10 |
1798 | Duties | For granting for one year the several duties therein mentioned, in lieu of all other duties payable upon the articles therein specified during the said term, and for regulating the trade between this kingdom and his majesty's colonies, and for other purposes therein mentioned. | 38 George III c.5 |
1798 | Voluntary contributions for defence of kingdom | To enable his majesty to receive voluntary contributions of his subjects for the defence of this kingdom. | 38 George III c.17 |
1798 | Mines | For the better enabling certain persons to open and work mines, and to raise coal, culm, minerals and fossils within this kingdom, and for working and manufacturing the same. | 38 George III c.40 |
1798 | Parliament meeting on demise of crown | To shorten the time now required for giving notice of the royal intention of his majesty, his heirs and successors, that the parliament shall meet and be holden for the dispatch of business, and for more effectually to provide for the meeting of parliament, in the case of a demise of the crown. | 38 George III c.20 |
1798 | Salt imports | To permit the importation of salt into this kingdom in neutral vessels, for a time therein to be limited. | 38 George III c.4 |
1798 | Indemnity for persons acting for preservation of peace | For indemnifying such persons as have acted since the third day of July, in 1797 for the preservation of the public peace, and suppression of the insurrections prevailing in some parts of this kingdom. | 38 George III c.19 |
1798 | Oyer and terminer | To empower the justices of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery for the county of Dublin, and for the county of the city of Dublin, to continue to hold a session of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery, begun to be holden before the essoign day of term, notwithstanding the sitting of the court of king's bench in either of the said counties, and to enable the judges of assize and commissioners of Oyer and Terminer to order persons in execution to attend before them as witnesses. | 38 George III c.26 |
1798 | Duties on coffee | To continue an act passed in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for regulating the import, export and sale of coffee, and securing the duties payable thereon. | 38 George III c.12 |
1798 | Seduction of his majesty's forces | To continue an act passed in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for the better prevention and punishment of attempts to seduce persons serving in his majesty's forces by sea or land, from their duty and allegiance, or to incite them to mutiny or disobedience. | 38 George III c.8 |
1798 | Duties on malt | To continue an act passed in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for collecting and securing his majesty's revenue on malt. | 38 George III c.11 |
1798 | Road from Dublin to Knocksedan, Co. Dublin | For amending the road from Dublin to Knocksedan, in the county of Dublin. | 38 George III c.31 |
1798 | Princess of Wirtemburgh | To amend an act passed in the last session of parliament, entitled, an act to enable his majesty to grant a certain pension to the princess royal, upon her intended marriage with the hereditary prince of Wirtemburgh. | 38 George III c.30 |
1798 | House of industry in Dublin | To continue for a limited time the government and management of the house of industry, for the relief of the poor in Dublin, under the present acting governors thereof. | 38 George III c.34 |
1798 | William, duke of Leinster | For raising a sufficient sum of money for discharging the debts and encumbrances affecting the settled estates of William, duke of Leinster, and to enable the said duke to make out a more effectual title to a purchaser or purchasers, mortgagee or mortgagees of such lands as shall be sold or mortgaged for the purposes aforesaid. | 38 George III c.1 (private) |
1798 | Proctors' bills of costs | For the better ascertaining the amount, and securing the payment of the bills of costs of proctors, employed in carrying on and defending suits and transacting business in the high court of admiralty, in his majesty's court of prerogative, in the court of delegates, and in all ecclesiastical courts within the kingdom of Ireland. | 38 George III c.39 |
1798 | Duties on paper | To secure the collection of the duties on paper made in Ireland, and to prevent frauds therein. | 38 George III c.29 |
1798 | Road from Dublin to Malahide | For granting certain tolls, rates and duties to be taken at the turnpikes on the roads leading over Ballybough and Annesley Bridges, in aid of barony presentments, and in lieu of the tolls formerly payable at such turnpikes, and for amending the laws for making, widening and repairing the said roads, and for making perpetual the several acts of parliament relating thereto. | 38 George III c.41 |
1798 | Post travelling | To regulate post travelling throughout this kingdom. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Excluding placemen from parliament | For amending an act passed in the 33rd year of his present majesty's reign, entitled, an act for securing the freedom and independence of the house of commons, by excluding therefrom persons holding any office under the crown, to be hereafter created, or holding certain offices therein enumerated, or pensions for terms of years, or during his majesty's pleasure. | 38 George III c.36 |
1798 | Government loan | For raising by loan, as a supply to his majesty the sum therein mentioned, for the purposes therein mentioned. | 38 George III c.34 |
1798 | Quartering of foreign troops | To make provision for quartering such foreign troops as his majesty may think proper to employ in this kingdom for the defence thereof. | 38 George III c.37 |
1798 | Workhouse and foundling hospital in Dublin | For the better management of the workhouse and foundling hospital in Dublin. | 38 George III c.35 |
1798 | Collection of duties | To regulate the collection of the duties on male servants, and to secure the payment thereof, and for the better collection of the duties on fire hearths, and on coaches and other carriages. | 38 George III c.45 |
1798 | Sugar drawbacks, bounties and prices | For the reduction of drawbacks on bounties now allowed on the exportation of sugar, and to prevent the excessive price of refined sugar in this kingdom. | 38 George III c.42 |
1798 | Marriage settlement of William Mullins and Frances Sage | To bar the limitations of the settlement executed on the marriage of William Townsend Mullins, esquire, with Frances Elizabeth Sage, in consequence of the dissolution of the said marriage. | 38 George III c.2 (private) |
1798 | Government loan | For raising by loan a sum not exceeding £200,080, in part of the sum of £2,366,746.13.4, authorized to be raised by loan, towards raising the supply granted to his majesty for the service of the year 1798. | 38 George III c.33 |
1798 | Qualification of voters in parliament elections | For better enforcing the execution of the acts made for the trials of controverted elections of members to serve in parliament, by disqualifying certain persons who have endeavoured to obstruct the due execution thereof, from voting at any election hereafter. | 38 George III c.61 |
1798 | Post office | For the further amendment of the acts relating to the post office, and for further facilitating prosecutions under the said acts. | 38 George III c.47 |
1798 | Oyer and terminer | To enable commissioners of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery in and for the county and county of the city of Dublin, to commence, hold and continue their sessions during term. | 38 George III c.38 |
1798 | Forfeited recognizances, and fines | For the better collections of sums arising from forfeited recognizances, and from fines imposed at assizes, commissions of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery, and sessions of the peace, and for the future application of the same. | 38 George III c.50 |
1798 | Linen and hemp | To amend the laws for promoting the linen and hempen manufactures. | 38 George III c.44 |
1798 | Defence of the realm | To enable his majesty more effectually to provide for the defence and security of the realm during the present war, and for indemnifying persons who may suffer in their property by such measures as may be necessary for that purpose. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Desertion by seamen from merchant ships | For preventing the desertion of seamen from Irish merchant ships trading to his majesty's colonies and plantations in the West Indies. | 38 George III c.48 |
1798 | Annuity for Robert Boyd | To enable his majesty to grant an annuity of £1,600 per annum to Robert Boyd, for his services as a judge. | 38 George III c.66 |
1798 | Dublin Society grant | For directing the application of the sum of £5,500 granted by parliament to the Dublin Society for the improvement of husbandry and other useful arts. | 38 George III c.43 |
1798 | Sesssions of peace in Co. Dublin | To enable the chief governor of this kingdom, to appoint one of his majesty's counsel learned in the law to be chairman of the sessions of the peace in the county of Dublin, during good behaviour. | 38 George III c.65 |
1798 | Prince of Mecklenburgh Strelitz | To enable his majesty to grant an annuity for the life of his serene highness the prince of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, nephew to the queen. | 38 George III c.69 |
1798 | Christ Church and King's Inns | To enable the dean and chapter of Christ Church, Dublin, and other persons therein to be named, to grant certain grounds in the city of Dublin to the Society of King's Inns, Dublin. | 38 George III c.49 |
1798 | Royal Canal | For the better regulation of the Royal Canal company. | 38 George III c.54 |
1798 | British militia in Ireland | For the government of the militia of Great Britain serving in this kingdom during their continuance therein. | 38 George III c.46 |
1798 | Distillers | To regulate the trade of rectifying spirits, and to prevent frauds on his majesty's revenue by rectifiers of spirits. | 38 George III c.52 |
1798 | Distillers | For regulating the trade of a distiller, and for securing the duties payable upon homemade spirits. | 38 George III c.51 |
1798 | Property of persons transported | To remove doubts respecting the property in the service of persons transported from this kingdom. | 38 George III c.59 |
1798 | Forgery of bankers' notes | For the more effectually preventing the forging of the bank notes and bills of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and the circulation of forged notes and bills of the said Governor and Company. | 38 George III c.53 |
1798 | Roads from Dublin to Kilcullen Bridge, Co. Kildare, and from Naas, Co. Kildare, to Limerick, and from Kilworth mountain to Cork | To explain and reduce into one act the several laws for making, improving and repairing the turnpike road leading from the city of Dublin to Kilcullenbridge in the county of Kildare, and to the 21 mile stone westward of the said bridge, and for prolonging the duration of the act for repairing the road for Naas to Limerick, and for the further improvement of the road from Kilworth Mountain to the city of Cork. | 38 George III c.83 |
1798 | Quieting corporations | For quieting corporations. | 38 George III c.60 |
1798 | Militia | To further explain and amend the laws now in force relating to the militia of this kingdom. | 38 George III c.62 |
1798 | Government loan | To enable the commissioners of the treasury in Ireland to receive from the commissioners of the treasury in England the sum therein mentioned as a loan, in part of the supply granted to his majesty, and for securing the interest and charges thereon, and on a sum of £1,500,000, British currency, therein mentioned. | 38 George III c.58 |
1798 | Edward Fitzgerald, called Lord Edward Fitzgerald; Cornelius Grogan; Beauchamp Bagnal Harvey | For the attainder of Edward Fitzgerald, commonly called Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp Bagnal Harvey, deceased, of high treason. | 38 George III c.77 |
1798 | Preventing return of persons transported for rebellion (‘Banishment act’) | To prevent persons from returning to his majesty's dominions who have been or shall be transported, banished or exiled on account of the present rebellion, and to prohibit them from passing into any country at war with his majesty. | 38 George III c.78 |
1798 | Revenue | For continuing and amending an act made in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for better regulating the collection of his majesty's revenue, and for preventing of frauds therein, and for repealing an act made in the 36th year of the reign of his present majesty, entitled, an act for continuing and amending the several laws relating to his majesty's revenue, and further preventing frauds therein, and the several acts and statutes which are mentioned in the said act and continued thereby. | 38 George III c.75 |
1798 | Adam, Viscount Duncan | For settling and securing a certain annuity on Adam, Lord Viscount Duncan, and the two next persons to whom the title of Viscount Duncan shall descend, in consideration of the eminent service performed by the said Adam, Viscount Duncan, to his majesty and the public. | 38 George III c.70 |
1798 | John, Earl St Vincent | For settling and securing a certain annuity on John, Earl St Vincent, and the two next persons to whom the title of Earl St Vincent shall descend, in consideration of the eminent service performed by the said John Earl St Vincent to his majesty and the public. | 38 George III c.71 |
1798 | Compelling surrender of rebels, on pain of attainder | To compel certain persons who have been engaged in the late rebellion which hath broken out in this kingdom to surrender themselves, and abide their trials respectively, within a limited time, on pain of being attainted of high treason. | 38 George III c.80 |
1798 | Indemnity for persons acting for preservation of peace | For indemnifying such persons as have acted since the first day of November, 1797, for the preservation of the public peace and suppression of insurrections prevailing in some parts of this kingdom. | 38 George III c.74 |
1798 | Tobacco trade, and duties | To continue an act passed in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act for regulating and extending the tobacco trade, and for securing the duties payable on the import and manufacture of tobacco. | 38 George III c.63 |
1798 | Export and import | To continue an act passed in the 37th year of his majesty's reign, entitled, an act to regulate the export, import and sale of certain articles therein mentioned. | 38 George III c.67 |
1798 | Qualification | For the relief of persons who have omitted to qualify themselves according to law. | 38 George III c.76 |
1798 | Riots | For amending an act passed in the 36th year of the reign of his majesty, entitled, an act more effectually to suppress insurrections, and to prevent the disturbance of the public peace. | 38 George III c.82 |
1798 | Benefit of clergy | To amend an act passed in the 36th year of his present majesty, entitled, an act to make conspiracy to murder felony without benefit of clergy. | 38 George III c.57 |
1798 | Wide streets in Dublin, and coal trade in Dublin | To grant certain duties on coals imported into the harbour of Dublin, in lieu of certain other duties now payable thereon, to the commissioners for making wide and convenient streets in Dublin, and for enabling the said commissioners more effectually to execute the trusts reposed in them, and for other purposes. | Not Enacted |
1798 | Suffering loyalists | For appointing commissioners to enquire into the losses of such of his majesty's loyal subjects as have been sufferers in their property during the subsisting rebellion in this kingdom. | 38 George III c.68 |
1798 | Printing of commons journals | For authorizing the payment of the sums therein mentioned, granted for defraying the expense of reprinting the journals of the house of commons, and making indexes thereto. | 38 George III c.81 |
1798 | Workhouse and foundling hospital in Dublin | To authorise the issuing and payment of the sum of £5,000, granted as a further supply for the foundling hospital and workhouse in the city of Dublin. | 38 George III c.64 |
1798 | Grand Canal and Royal Canal | To authorize the issuing of treasury bills to the amount therein mentioned to the company of the Grand Canal, to carry on a navigation to the River Shannon, and to authorize the issuing of debentures to the amount therein mentioned, to enable the company of the Royal Canal to proceed in carrying on the said canal. | 38 George III c.79 |
1798 | Licences for sale of ale and spirits | For continuing and amending an act passed in the last session of parliament, entitled, an act for regulating the issuing of licences for the sale of wine, ale and spirituous liquors by retail, and for preventing the immoderate use of spirituous liquors, and for granting to his majesty, his heirs and successors the duties therein mentioned. | 38 George III c.73 |
1798 | Public accounts | For the better regulation and examination of the public accounts. | 38 George III c.56 |
1798 | Nuisances from manufactures in Dublin | To preserve the health and secure the properties of the inhabitants of the city of Dublin, by preventing certain manufactures from being carried on therein, which are dangerous and productive of nuisance. | Not Enacted |