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Sources for Irish legislation, 1692–1800

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Searching for bills with subject of 761 - 'Food and drink, inc. tobacco, sugar'Searching for bills occuring in session '' -
9 Matching Records
SessionShort TitleTitleStatute Number
1697Additional dutyFor granting an additional duty on tobacco, and for continuing unto his majesty an aid of additional custom on several goods and merchandises, and also for continuing the additional duty on beer, ale and other liquors till the 25th of December 1702.9 William III c.4
1773Wine imports in casksTo prevent the importation of wine in casks under the size of 31 gallons, except as herein excepted.13 & 14 George III c.38
1790ATobacco trade, and dutiesFor regulating and extending the tobacco trade, and for granting to his majesty, his heirs and successors, the duties therein mentioned.30 George III c.12
1791Tobacco, sugar and coffeeFor regulating and extending the tobacco, sugar and coffee trade.31 George III c.5
1792Tobacco tradeFor regulating and extending the tobacco trade.32 George III c.7
1793Tobacco tradeFor regulating and extending the tobacco trade.33 George III c.11
1796BTobacco trade, and dutiesFor regulating and extending the tobacco trade, and for securing the duties payable upon the import and manufacture of tobacco.37 George III c.42
1798Salt importsTo permit the importation of salt into this kingdom in neutral vessels, for a time therein to be limited.38 George III c.4
1800Additional duty on imported refined sugarFor granting an additional duty on refined sugar imported into this kingdom.40 George III c.25