
Text of legislation

How Irish statutes were made

Sources for Irish legislation, 1692–1800

General Index of Bills

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Searching for bills with subject of 100 - 'The crown'Searching for bills occuring in session '' -
4 Matching Records
SessionShort TitleTitleStatute Number
1692Recognition of King William and Queen Mary's title to crownOf recognition of their majesties undoubted title to the crown of Ireland.4 William & Mary c.1
1703Recognition of Queen Anne's title to the crownOf recognition of her majestyâs undoubted right to the crown of Ireland.Not Enacted
1715Recognition of King George's title to the crownFor recognising his majesty's title to the throne of Great Britain, France and Ireland.2 George I c.2
1799RegencyTo provide for the administration of the government of Ireland whensoever and as often as the government of Great Britain shall be administered by a regent or regency.Not Enacted