
Text of legislation

How Irish statutes were made

Sources for Irish legislation, 1692–1800

General Index of Bills

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Searching for bills with subject of 301 - 'Law of property, inc. land registry'Searching for bills occuring in session '' -
14 Matching Records
SessionShort TitleTitleStatute Number
1695Intestatesâ estatesFor the better settlement of intestatesâ estates.7 William III c.6
1697Confirming patents passed in the late court of graceFor confirming patents passed in the late court of grace, on the commission of grace, for remedy of defective titles.Not Enacted
1697Frauds by clandestine mortgagesTo prevent frauds by clandestine mortgages.9 William III c.11
1715Conveyances of estates by infantsTo enable infants who are seized or possessed of estates in fee, in trust or by way of mortgage to make conveyances of such estates.2 George I c.6
1719Frauds by guardiansTo prevent frauds committed by guardians.Not Enacted
1723Frauds by guardians and executorsFor preventing frauds committed by guardians and executors.Not Enacted
1731Conveyances by idiots and lunaticsTo enable idiots and lunatics, who are seized or possessed of estates in fee, or for lives or terms of years in trust, or by way of mortgage, to make conveyances, surrenders, or assignments of such estates, and to prevent delay in suits in equity, where trustees cannot be found.5 George II c.8
1739Relief of mortgages, suits in equity, Christ Church, Dublin, and amending misnomer in Coote's actFor explaining and amending an act for the relief of mortgages, and for perpetuating the testimony of witnesses in suits in equity, and for empowering the dean and chapter of the Holy Trinity, or Christ Church, Dublin, to grant to his majesty, for any terms of years, the rooms over the room commonly called the Exchequer Chamber, and other rooms therein mentioned, and for amending a misnomer in an act to enable Charles Coote, esquire, to raise portions for younger children.13 George II c.9
1771BSecurities by mortgageFor rendering securities by mortgage more effectual.11 & 12 George III c.10
1773Quieting possessionsFor quieting the titles and possessions of his majesty's subjects in this kingdom.Not Enacted
1781Quieting possessions held under English or British acts of parliamentFor quieting possessions held under English or British acts of parliament.Not Enacted
1781Securities by mortgageTo amend an act entitled an act for rendering securities by mortgage more effectual.Not Enacted
1788Security of purchasers under decrees in courts of equityFor the better securing the purchasers of lands under decrees in courts of equity.28 George III c.35
1791Securities by mortgageTo amend an act, entitled, an act for rendering securities by mortgage more effectual.Not Enacted