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Searching for bills with subject of 730 - 'Brewing, distilling, malt'Searching for bills occuring in session '' -
13 Matching Records
SessionShort TitleTitleStatute Number
1697Preventing brewers being malstersTo prevent brewers being malsters.Not Enacted
1698Malt tradeFor the better making and screening of malt for sale.Not Enacted
1757Distilling of cornTo prevent the distilling of corn for a limited time.Not Enacted
1757Distilling of corn, etc.To prevent the distilling of spirits from wheat, oats, bere, barley, malt, beans and peas, or from any potatoes, meal or flour of wheat, oats, bere, barley, malt, beans or peas, for a limited time.31 George II c.2
1765Distilling of corn, etc.To prevent the distilling of spirits from wheat, oats, bere [sic], barley, rye, meslin, malt, beans and peas, and from any potatoes, meal or flour of wheat, oats, bere, barley, rye, meslin, malt, beans or peas for a limited time.5 George III c.3
1771ADistilling of corn, etc.To prevent the distilling of spirits from wheat, oats, bere, barley, malt, beans, peas, rye and meslin, or from any potatoes, meal or flour of wheat, oats, bere, barley, malt, beans, peas, rye or meslin, for a limited time.Not Enacted
1771BDistilleriesTo regulate the distillery of this kingdom.Not Enacted
1792Malt tradeFor ascertaining the manner in which malt shall be sold.Not Enacted
1792Malt tradeFor ascertaining the manner in which malt shall be sold.Not Enacted
1794Malt tradeFor ascertaining the manner in which malt shall be sold.Not Enacted
1795BreweriesFor the better regulation of the breweries of this kingdom.Not Enacted
1795BreweriesFor repealing the several regulations which affect the trade of a brewer in this kingdom.35 George III c.19
1796BDistillersTo regulate the trade of rectifying of spirits, and to subject distillers to certain regulations therein mentioned.37 George III c.46