
Summary of Key Points!

  • Optimise Glycaemic Control Pre-Pregnancy with the help of a the Specialist Diabetes Team
  • 5mg Folic Acid Daily
  • Check Medication
  • Obtain Baseline Retinal Assessment
  • Check Insulin
  • Look at Lifestyle
  • Vaccinations


You have now reached the end of the Women with Diabetes Modules.

The following short self assessment has been designed to encourage reflection on the main learning outcomes from both 'Planning for Pregnancy' and 'Diabetes and Pregnancy' Sections. Please enter your responses before printing out your certificate of completion.


If you were offering a women pre-conception advice, above which level of HbA1c should you advise her to continue contraception until optimal blood sugar control has been reached?

Women with pre-existing diabetes are recommended to take folic acid preconceptually. What dose is recomended?

Why is folic acid important pre-conception and during pregnancy?

In relation to which risk is it particularly important that women work with their specialist diabetes care team to achieve optimal glycaemic control?

Thank you for completing this resource, if you completed the e-learning modules, you can print your certificate by Clicking here, we would also appreciate your feedback on this resource, Click here to answer a few evaluation questions.

