NICOLA kickstarts 2021 with their COVID-19 Survey!

NICOLA Calls for Participation in a COVID-19 Survey.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging time worldwide and has impacted us all in some way across Northern Ireland.
As part of NICOLA Wave 2 data collection, an additional self-completion questionnaire is being sent to all NICOLA participants to ask them about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their overall health and wellbeing. The questions are designed to capture information about changes in physical health, mental health, financial circumstances, work, social connections and health behaviours during the period of COVID-19.
All participants who took part in the Wave 2 CAPI will be sent a self-completion questionnaire in the post. A cover letter will be enclosed with the questionnaire to explain the purpose of this additional component of research. This COVID-19 questionnaire is designed to capture information relating to a wide range of topics including physical and mental health, food provision, financial security, work and finances, volunteering and caring, health and lifestyle, social access, social connections, income, pensions and retirement during the period of COVID-19.
The data obtained will enable researchers to make pre- and post-COVID comparisons as well as global comparisons in relation to the impact of COVID-19 on the health and wellbeing of older adults.
If you have any questions about this part of the NICOLA research, please contact the NICOLA team. Contact details are as follows:
Telephone: 028 9097 8920 or 028 9097 8921