7 Fully Funded LINCS PhD Scholarships available for 2017
Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network on Cybersecurity and Society (LINCS)

The Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network on Cybersecurity and Society (LINCS) at Queen's University Belfast has been established to support pioneering research at the interface between the social sciences and electronic engineering & computer science. LINCS brings together The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice and the Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) to develop a distinctive cohort of doctoral students working across the boundaries of their disciplines who will open up new avenues of enquiry centered initially on the priority themes and specific PhD projects.
There are 2 fully funded, three year LINCS PhD scholarships which includes:
- Full tuition fees at Standard UK rates (£4121 per annum) for three years (based on 2016/17 rate - 2017/18 rate to be confirmed)
- A maintenance award at the Research Councils UK national rate (14,296 per annum - based on 2016/17 rate - 2017/18 rate to be confirmed)
- Research Training and Expenses £1,000 per annum for three years.
There are 4 Priority Themes
- Cybersecurity: Technology and Ethics
- Cyberspace, Privacy and Data Protection
- Debordering and Rebordering in Cyberspace: Technological, Legal and Political Aspects
- Borders, Security Technologies, Data Gathering and Data Sharing
Before you apply you will need to explore with our Project Contacts whether your area of research interest can be supervised and supported. Please see the lead supervisor indicated beside each project.
For full information on the Scholarships and how to apply, please consult the LINCS Information and Guidance Notes 2017.
In addition to the specific projects listed under each priority theme, applicants may propose their own interdisciplinary topic that aligns with one or more of the priority themes. In this case, please contact Professor Cathal McCall c.mccall@qub.ac.uk in the first instance.
The deadline for applications is 5.00 pm, Monday 26 June 2017.
The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
19 University Square
Belfast, BT7 1NN
Phone: +44 (0) 28 9097 3430
Email: v.miller@qub.ac.uk
Web: http://www.qub.ac.uk/mitchell_institute