Campbell UK & Ireland is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Sarah Miller as its new Director.

Sarah is currently Senior Lecturer in Education at Queen’s University Belfast and has been Deputy Director of Campbell UK & Ireland since the centre was launched. She has extensive expertise in systematic reviewing, having been Co-Chair of the Education Coordinating Group of the Campbell Collaboration since 2015 and Editor since 2018. In her position as Deputy Director, Sarah also played a key role in helping establish Campbell UK & Ireland and develop its strategic plan.
Sarah is taking over from Professor Paul Connolly, the founding Director of Campbell UK & Ireland and currently Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise at Queen’s University Belfast. Speaking of Sarah’s appointment, Paul said: “I am absolutely delighted that Sarah is taking over the role of Director of the centre. She has extensive expertise not only in evidence synthesis but also in leading a large number of complex trials. She has been instrumental in helping establish Campbell UK & Ireland and is ideally placed to lead the centre over the coming years.”
Speaking of her appointment, Sarah said: “It is an honour to be taking over the role of Director of Campbell UK & Ireland. We are the first national centre of the international Campbell Collaboration and have ambitious plans for achieving a step-change in the production and use of Campbell systematic reviews across the UK and Ireland.”
“There has never been a more important time to be promoting the better use of high quality evidence to inform policy and practice. Over the coming years we will be working with universities and researchers across Ireland and the UK and engaging directly with governments, policy-makers, practitioners and a wide range of stakeholders across these islands.
Whilst stepping down as Director, Paul Connolly will remain actively involved in supporting the work of Campbell UK & Ireland and will join its Advisory Board as the representative for Queen’s University Belfast. Sarah said: “I would also like to place on record our thanks to Paul for his vision and leadership in establishing the centre and putting in place its first strategic plan. We very much look forward to continuing to work with him over the years ahead.”