Introducing Dr Maria Katsipataki, Associate Editor, Campbell Education Co-ordinating Group (ECG)

Maria Katsipataki is a Research Associate in the School of Education working on an Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)-funded project which involves the investigation of the relative impact of different EEF projects as well as other school-based interventions using meta-analysis and also contributes to an analysis of existing research evidence for the development of the “Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit”.
Maria gained a BA in Psychology from the American College of Greece in Athens followed by an MSc in Reading, Language and Cognition from the University of York. Following this Maria worked as a literacy-support tutor in various areas of London helping children with learning difficulties. Maria completed her PhD at Durham University investigating the relationship of a newly developed motor skills intervention with academic performance in the early years.
Speaking of her appointment, Maria said,
"I am very excited to be joining the Campbell Education Coordinating Group as an Associate Editor.
I have participated in several Campbell conferences over the past years and I have always appreciated their focus on evidence-based practice and the high research quality. As an academic I have focused on evidence-based research in education, conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses but also evaluating them. Therefore, I am intrigued by my new role since I will have the opportunity to get involved in the different stages of editing a systematic review for publication and ensuring that the ECG reviews meet the Campbell quality criteria".
We are delighted that Maria has joined us!