Pictured (L-R)Liam Wright, Alison Cowan, Mugahid Ali, Emma Marlow, Iain Butler, David Kane, Thomas Jess, Matthew Colbear, Hannah Johnston, Jennifer Mackel, Jade Scott.
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Photonic Integration and Advanced Data Storage CDT, an exciting partnership between the University of Glasgow and Queen’s University Belfast, held its first annual Conclave on 22nd and 23rd of June in Glasgow.
Attracting more than fifty attendees, this successful and vibrant meeting brought current CDT students and academics together with representatives from the Centre’s impressive industrial partners such as Seagate, IQE and Kelvin Nanotechnology as well as senior officials from both Universities.
What followed was an interesting programme, organised and led by the students themselves, exploring the Centre’s main research themes and the fantastic opportunities to engage with industry. The keynote talk was delivered by Prof Leda Lunardi (North Carolina State University State University) outlining her research interests in traditional electronics, photonics and optoelectronics devices. Anke Lohmann, Head of Emerging Technologies at the Knowledge Transfer Network, was also in attendance, and was able to make key strategic networking links for both Academic and Industrial Partners.
We were delighted that many of our new cohort of students, recruited to begin in September 2016, were also able to attend, giving them an early opportunity to immerse themselves in the CDT and enhance their understanding about the programme.
Our existing students (pictured above) did a wonderful job organising and coordinating this inaugural Conclave, aptly putting into practice many of the presentation and organisational skills they developed during their first year, therein impressing the Centre’s industry partners and all who attended.
[Photos by Peter McKenna School of Engineering, University of Glasgow]