JAM 4 programme recommences in SARC
On Friday evening (20 September), we officially kicked off our JAM 4 programme for the 2024-25 year. JAM 4 is a weekly programme designed for Secondary school children ages 12 – 17 who are interested in Creative Music Technology.

In our beginner JAM 4 class, students had the opportunity to use Ableton Live for the first time, making new friends and sharing musical interests. Meanwhile, our second-year JAM 4+ group started the year with an exciting production challenge, manipulating and editing audio to craft their own unique tracks. We look forward to seeing the students develop over the next months as they work towards a showcase of their projects which will take place on 12 June 2025.
JAM 4 is a part of the Junior Academy of Music programme at Queen’s University Belfast www.qub.ac.uk/schools/ael/Discover/jam/