Launching our lasting legacy!
Between 2014 and 2019 the centenary of World War One saw a most amazing response. Across the land, local communities explored the impacts and legacies of the war.

Today we launch ‘Inclusive Heritage in Practice’ that draws on this rich community engagement with the centenary of WWI. A result of the collaborations between local communities and researchers in museums, universities and heritage organisations, our new publication offers new and exciting models for using the past to create partnerships and a shared understanding of conflict heritage.
‘Inclusive Heritage in Practice’ reflects the huge efforts made by those seeking new ways to remember the past, and to do so with a spirit and belief in cooperation and compassion. The projects featured in the publication all shared in having ‘inclusivity’ as a core theme. The result of this shared endeavour is now, appropriately enough, being shared more widely.
Supported by the ‘Living Legacies 1914-18’ public engagement centre based at Queen’s University Belfast, and funded through the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), the centenary community projects in ‘Inclusive Heritage in Practice’ provide a lasting and fitting legacy to the commemoration of WWI. Our centre's legacy is captured too by a new today to remember not only those who lived through the 'war to end all wars' but also to have a digital 'memorial' to all those who contributed to our centre's centenary collaborations between 2014 and 2019.