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Justice perceptions in intercultural comparison (ESR1)

Institute for Future Energy and Material Flow Systems (IZES gGmbH)

Recent research has shown that the perception of justice criteria is of particular importance when looking at the question of social acceptance regarding the planning and decision-making procedures, the distribution of costs and benefits, and the interpersonal relation-ships. This is true for all energy infrastructure but especially for the deployment of wind energy. The planned study will examine how the perceptions of justice are influenced by different project parameters and how they are affected by cultural norms at a local and national level. The approach will combine qualitative focus groups and interviews with standardized justice scales in a questionnaire. The expected results are of relevance both for the scientific perspective and for the generation of suitable practical recommendations. The study will deliver evidence about the influence of justice dimensions on social acceptance, and evidence about intercultural differences. The project will produce best practice guidelines and recommendations for project developers addressing justice issues (shaping the procedure), and best practice guidelines and recommendations for government ministries addressing justice issues (shaping the framing conditions).


Click here to download the ESR1 job description



Project supervision

Dr Jan Hildebrand
Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Petra Schweizer-Ries
Associate Scientific Director

Professor Geraint Ellis
School of Natural and Built Environment
Queen’s University Belfast