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Dynamics of Community Acceptance (ESR2)

University of St.Gallen

Most prior research on social acceptance has been cross-sectional. However, processes of social acceptance have an important longitudinal dimension. At community, socio-political and market levels, acceptance dynamically changes over time. For example, local residents’ preferences form as they become more acquainted with wind energy, and community acceptance is also influenced by the communication of supporters and opponents of a project over time. This project aims at capturing these dynamic processes of social acceptance. This requires exploring new methodological approaches. Emphasis will be placed on the dynamics of emotional responses in social networks in the context of planned wind projects. The project will review methodologies for capturing changes in social acceptance over time, develop a typology of longitudinal responses to wind energy projects, and survey social acceptance dynamics at 2-3 pilot sites.

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Project supervision

Prof. Dr Rolf Wüstenhagen
Professor of Management of Renewable Energies
University of St.Gallen

Professor Patrick Devine- Wright
Professor in Human Geography
University of Exeter