Inspiring the next generation of UGBS researchers
As part of the British Science Association Community Buddies programme, GroundsWell early career researchers embark on a programme of activities with youth in Northern Ireland

In autumn 2023, Dr Niamh O'Kane was invited to partake in the British Science Association's Community Buddies programme. The programme connects Community Leaders with local researchers to spark new ideas and drive innovative community-led science engagement.
The programme aims to:
- Create greater empathy and understanding between researchers and communities;
- Support researchers and communities to create authentic, mutually beneficial relationships with equal sharing of power;
- Increase the skills and capabilities of both researchers and communities to engage with each other.
The programme is split into two phases: i) the relational phase, and ii) the grant phase. During the relational phase, Niamh worked with community leader, Robert Whan, who is involved with the Boys' Brigade in Spa (near Ballynahinch) in Northern Ireland. They were supported by the British Science Association in developing a relationship, building skills, and identifying opportunities for engagement. Niamh and Robert were successful in the grant phase, and were awarded £4000 to develop a programme of activities between GroundsWell and a small section of the group in Spa.
On Thurs 10th October, Niamh was joined by a team of GroundsWell ECRs to visit the group of boys, aged 9-11 years of age, to launch the programme of activities. The group were introduced to Queen's, what researchers do, and were encouraged to think about topics related to Urban Green and Blue Space (UGBS) and health, including: health and wellbeing, physical activity, connecting with nature, and climate change. The group learned through games such as "Researcher Bingo" and "Speed True or False". In coming months, the group will visit with the group of boys again to encourage them to think further about these topics, and to get them thinking about their own research questions they would like answered.