The Centre facilitates the training of young scientists and clinicians and provides a unique opportunity to work at the interface between basic and clinical cancer research.
Postgraduate Education and Training
The education and training programme aims to develop knowledge and skills in the research arena, that enhance professionalism and facilitate staff and student development.
The Centre has a comprehensive programme which includes weekly seminars with intramural and extramural speakers, annual events such as the Postdoctoral Research Symposium and the International Scientific Symposium.
Summer Research Programme
As part of our strategy to encourage the best bioscience undergraduate students to progress to a career in scientific research, we have a summer research programme which provides a number of scholarships for undergraduates to work in research laboratories during the summer.
International Initiatives
Several recent initiatives, which have contributed to the international dimension of our flourishing research student programme, include joint studentships with NCI-designated Cancer Centres (including NCI and Georgetown University) and with Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto.
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This unique programme involves a partnership between the The Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research Queen’s University Belfast and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Washington USA, a world renowned cancer institute with access to over 300 Principal Investigators.
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The Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research Summer Research Programme provides an excellent opportunity for promising young students to undertake a short research project for eight weeks over the summer period.
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