CETS Publications
CETS Online Paper Series focuses on interdisciplinary legal scholarship related to the Centre’s mission. It originated as part of Dagmar Schiek’s Jean Monnet ad personam chair ‘Economic and Social Integration in the EU and Beyond – Interdisciplinary Perspectives’, and some of the papers were first presented for an academic seminar series of the ad personam Chair during its Leeds time.
Dagmar Schiek - Collective bargaining and unpaid care as social security risk – an EU perspective (572 K)
Dagmar Schiek - On uses, mis-uses and non-uses of intersectionality be-fore the European Court of Justice (ECJ) (954 K)
Angshuman Hazarika - Sustainable Development as a part of a post- Brexit trade agreement between UK and the European Union: Lessons from the Opinion of the CJEU on the EU- Singapore FTA (935kb)
Dagmar Schiek & Andrea Gideon - Outsmarting the gig economy through collective bargaining - EU competition law as a barrier? (541 K)
Dagmar Schiek - Towards More Resilience for a Social EU – The Constitutionally Conditioned Internal Market (PDF 1.3mb)
Michael Johns - Local Communities and the Protection of Rights for In- tra-EU Migrants: Lessons Learned from Wales before the EU Referendum(PDF 753kb)
Billy Melo-Aaujo - UK Post-Brexit Trade Agreements & Devolution (1.3mb)
Rebecca Zahn, Revision of the Posted Workers’ Directive: Equality at Last? (PDF 286kb)
Cristina Juverdeanu Roma EU citizens – Caught Between EU and Member States (PDF 1.2mb)
Margarite Zoeteweij The Principle of (In)equality in EU Labour Migration Law (PDF 768kb)
M Flear, Reframing EU Public Health Governance: From Risk to Citizenship and Participation (PDF 529kb)
D Schiek, Intersectionality and the Notion of Disability in EU discrimination law (PDF 909kb)
D Schiek, A constitution of social governance for the European Union (PDF 872kb)
D Schiek, 'Perspectives on social citizenship in the EU - CETLS working paper 2015' (PDF 942kb)
M. Pucheta, 'The Social Dimension of MERCOSUR' (PDF 1.2mb)
Adrien Jammet The Evolution of EU Law on the Protection of Personal Data (PDF 942kb)
P. McTigue, 'The disorganised nature of European Disability: Rethinking protection for HIV positive individuals' (PDF 782kb)
S. Kingah, 'Regional strategies to mitigate unemployment in the wake of crises: Comparing the EU in Greece and MERCOSUR in Paraguay' (PDF 908k)
A. Masselot & A Maymont, ‘Balanced Representation Between Men and Women in Business Law: The French ‘Quota’ System’ (PDF 1.1mb)
M.E Lyons, 'The Impact of the EU on Equal Pay in Ireland (PDF 1.2mb)
S Benedi Lahuerta, 'Untangling the application of the EU Equality Directives at nationallevel: a bottom up approach'(PDF 1mb)
D Cuypers, 'The Challenges of EU Discrimination Law for Old Labour Law'(PDF 901kb)
D Schiek, 'The EU’s socio-economic model(s) and the crisi(e)s – any perspectives?(PDF 1mb)
U Mückenberger, 'Towards A Post-Viking/Laval Manifesto for Social Europe' (PDF 828kb)
Other Output
'Governing the Social Dimension in Canadian Federalism and European Integration' Verdun, A. and Wood, D.E. (2014) OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.14, May 2014, 22p.
The Dysfunctional Nature of the Economic and Monetary Union [PDF, 167KB]
Dagmar Schiek (ed.), The EU Economic and Social Model in the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Ashgate, Farnham 2013)