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The skills of the facilitator in creating an effective pre-brief within the inter-professional Simbaby experience

Mrs Doris Corkin, Dr Pamela Slevin, Miss Lynne Robinson, Miss Pauline Cardwell, Dr Kathryn Ferris

The skills of the facilitator in creating an effective pre-brief within the inter-professional simbaby experience

Background to workshop
Simulated practice is a key pedagogical approach, widely recognised in enhancing competence within our healthcare education. Additionally, inter-professional education (IPE) is a central tenet of developing fundamental skills such as communication and teamwork, which help to develop competencies in the future, health workforce (NMC, 2018; GMC, 2009). An effective pre-brief within inter-professional simulation is a critical component of creating an educational experience that enriches the students learning. Planned pre-briefing activities along with the utilisation of pre-planned scenarios aims to ensure both facilitators and students feel engaged and connected.

Learning objectives of workshop
Continuous, critical review of IPE opportunities is required to enhance nursing and medical practices (McNaughten et al, 2020).

Overall aims: 1) to explore the opportunities and challenges of pre-briefing an inter-professional group of learners prior to a simulation session 2) discuss potential strategies to overcome these challenges during pre-briefing. Although, there is a dearth of research literature in relation to pre-briefing, practice is emerging, highlighting the significant impact on student learning opportunities that pre-briefing offers. Subsequently, the need to consider the components of the pre-brief on the IPE experience in maximising new learning environments and meeting student needs. Credible clinical facilitators within the higher education environment, aim to create a welcoming space, encouraging student engagement and connections with one another.

Overview of workshop
Simulated-based learning is globally an effective teaching method to help practitioners learn. The following three elements, namely confidence, collaboration and competence are closely interrelated and create a strong sense of community within the learning environment between facilitators and students. This interactive workshop will explore skillful, conversational techniques and pre-briefing strategies that are central to creating unique, authentic, clinical experiences for everyone involved, within the inter-professional experience. Overall, session will focus on two of the most important skills a facilitator will need to succeed -knowing how to, positively role model and influence others learning, whilst creating an effective and memorable pre-briefing activity.

Expected Impact
The workshop will offer opportunities to share practice developments around sim-based education. Exploring the pre-briefing phase of simulation is central to the learning experience of all participants and having a well-designed pre-briefing process in place to ensure a quality inter-professional simulation experience. Modification of the clinical setting helps stimulate student involvement and highlight facilitator’s skill. Creating an authentic pre-briefing activity will help facilitate student engagement, connectivity and adaptability in responding to clinical based scenarios whilst augmenting existing knowledge and professional development.

Target audience
Healthcare students and professionals

All levels

Maximum number of participants