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Children’s experiences and views of violence

Children’s experiences and views of violence

Children’s perspectives and understandings have been gathered by the P4P project team carrying out surveys with 1274 children aged 8-12 years and 13-18 years.

The survey was co-designed by two groups of children and young people and survey responses were completed in schools within particular regions of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Romania and the UK. The aim was to acquire a snapshot of children’s understanding of violence, their views on disclosure and what might hinder or facilitate this, and their views on services and supports.

To help explore this issue supporting materials have been designed in 3 separate tasks. Complete each accessing supporting materials through the links.

Task 1: What do you think the children said?


We have devised a quiz that aims to explore your own personal values and beliefs and will take 10 minutes to complete. Press here to download a quiz.

When complete, think through your answers, noting any underpinning assumptions. Press here to download the answers to the quiz.

Task 2: Reflecting on what the children did say and comparing values and beliefs


Reflecting on the answers to the quiz, download the reflections sheet and answer the questions attached. Press here

Task 3: Impact and consequences of violence


We have devised an exercise that invites you to consider the impact and consequences of violence. Press here to download the exercise.

Some videos regarding children’s own understandings and views can be accessed here

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