Tackling Substance Use in The Community: QCAP and MDA Health Action Group Continue the Conversation
On 28 February 2023, QCAP, the Market Development Association, and the Drug and Alcohol Network (DARN) at QUB partnered to facilitate a community conversation in the Market around tackling substance use.

Áine Brady delivered an introduction, followed by Professor Kathryn Higgins and Dr. Anne Campbell (DARN) talking about trends in substance use in Northern Ireland.
The key points of the evening were small group discussions on what community members see as the root causes and greatest challenges to addressing substance use in the Market, as well as what they would like to see delivered for solutions. The small groups then shared their findings with each other, revealing a high degree of overlap.
QCAP staff are currently collating the comments from the discussion to bring back to residents and the Market Health Action Group so actionable steps can be taken to address the gaps residents identified. At the request of residents, further education and discussion nights are being planned for future evenings to help them stay informed and engaged.