Name: Dr Che Cameron
Job Title: Research Fellow - Net Zero Energy Systems and Manufacturing Digitalisation
Location: Ashby/David Keir Building
Email: ccameron07@qub.ac.uk
PURE Profile
IEEE Explore Profile
Ché Cameron is a research fellow at Queen's University Belfast with interests in Energy Decarbonisation, Net Zero Transition, and Machine Learning for Manufacturing Digitalisation. He is undertaking a cost-benefit analysis for net zero transition pathways in Northern Ireland, in a Department for Economy funded project. The project activities include energy system modelling, programmatic model linking and translation, financial and economic forecasting and assessment, and stakeholder engagement and investigation. The outputs of the project directly contribute to the evidence base used by policy makers in the region.
Ché's undergraduate studies were undertaken at Queen's University Belfast, where he gained an MEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2017, and was awarded the Frost-Smith memorial prize and the IET prize. Following this, he joined the OPTEMIN project as a PhD student, where he developed and deployed a full-stack sensor-to-simulation manufacturing digitalisation system to a live commercial environment, using low-cost open-source technologies. He joined the Bryden Centre in September 2021, where he completed a techno-economic analysis of co-located hydrogen production and wastewater treatment, using network modelling and real-world data supplied by NI Water.
His work involves data acquisition (node hardware design, firmware development, and wireless sensor networking), data management and engineering, algorithmic and graph-based time series analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning analysis, and techno-economic multi-scale system modelling. He continues to work with a range of industry and stakeholders to explore their strategic and tactical challenges, assess competing decarbonisation and energy scenarios, and identify and exploit opportunities for improving efficiency.