Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutics
Research in this theme is focused on the development of novel technologies and targeted therapies for advanced healthcare solutions. Activities are concentrated on the development of unique genetic therapies and delivery systems that can be applied for the detection and treatment of cancer, the development of novel strategies for the detection, characterisation and inhibition of proteases implicated in chronic diseases, the isolation and characterisation of bioactive peptides for potential therapeutic use and computational biology for drug design and molecular modelling.
Research Equipment Includes:
Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS
Dynamic Light Scattering, Laser Doppler Micro-electrophoresis, Static Light Scattering
Measurement of the size, electrophoretic mobility of proteins, zeta potential of colloids and nanoparticles, and optionally the measurement of protein mobility and micro-rheology of protein and polymer solutions. The high performance of the Zetasizer Nano ZS also enables the measurement of the molecular weight and second virial coefficient, A2, of macromolecules and kD, the DLS interaction parameter
School of Pharmacy WMB 03.006
Bookable only after suitable training
Invivo2 Hypoxia Workstation 400
Replicate low oxygen ‘in vivo’ physiology providing the ideal research platform for cancer researchers and cell biologists.
Rapid Sample Transfer – Interlock transfers 28 plates (96 well) in 45 seconds. Direct-Hand Access into Workstation – Using convenient cuff & sleeve system (Ezee Sleeve™). Accurate Oxygen Control – Oxygen stability from 0.0% (anoxia) to 20.9% (ambient) in 0.1% increments with one touch sensor calibration. Accurate CO2 Control – CO2 stability from 0.0% to 30.0% in 0.1% increments. Cycle Programming – Allows a user-defined timed sequence of up to 4 different O2 and CO2 concentrations. Accurate Temperature Control – Incubation control from Ambient + 5°C to 45°C. Accurate Humidity Control – Option of ultrasonic humidity system to give precise environmental control.
School of Pharmacy WMB 03.006
Bookable only after suitable training
Hyperspectral Microscopy
CytoViva Hyperspectral Imaging Microscope
Optical observation and quantitative spectral analysis of nanoscale samples in a wide range of biological and materials-based environments. Confirmation of unique surface chemistry and functional groups added to nanomaterials. No special fluorescent markers are required. The system also supports other standard microscope imaging techniques such as reflected light, fluorescence and transmitted light brightfield, as well as, a macro level image analysis platform.
School of Pharmacy WMB 03.006
Bookable only after suitable training
SCREEN Cell3iMager
Quantitative and qualitative measurement of 3D spheroids
Bright field scanner designed specifically to simplify and accelerate quantitative and qualitative measurement of 3D spheroids. LED-based imaging system allows the user to identify and measure single or multiple spheroids per well in a microplate rapidly and automatically. 3D optimized analysis software allows faster image capture, measurement and data analysis. Rapid scan time (96-well plate in <1 minute) increases throughput. Preset plate definitions for all major hanging drop, ULA, and micropatterned 3D cell culture platforms (6-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96-, 384-well), including InSphero's GravityPLUS™ Hanging Drop System and GravityTRAP™ ULA Plates.
School of Pharmacy WMB 03.006
Bookable only after suitable training
For more information on equipment and facilities in this research theme contact: Gavin Graham
Tel: 02890 972126