Stable Isotope Facility
The Stable Isotope Facility (SIF) specialises in routine stable isotope analysis (CHNOS) for the environmental, archaeological and geo-forensic disciplines. We encourage academic collaboration but we also operate on a commercial basis therefore please browse through our range of analytical capabilites and direct enquiries to any of our staff (Dr. Neil Ogle or Dr. R. Doherty). Below we also have some of our most recent publications.
The infrastructure required to perform stable isotope analyses takes many forms. Here we present SIF's capability. If they match your requirements than do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs further.

Machine and Peripherals | Measureable Isotope | Media Examples |
Thermo Delta V Plus | ||
Conflo IV | ||
Flash 1112 Elemental Analyser | Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur | Solid Matter (Soil, Hair, Food, Collagen, etc.) |
TC/EA with COSTECH AS and CTC Liquid Handler | Oxygen, Hydrogen | Solid Matter and Water |
Analytical Precision AP2003 | Carbon, Oxygen | Rock Carbonates, Teeth, Breath Gas, DIC etc. |
Recent Publications
Adding Hydrogen to the Isotopic Inventory—Combining δ13C, δ15N and δ2H Stable Isotope Analysis for Palaeodietary Purposes on Archaeological Bone. van der Sluis, L., Reimer, P. & Ogle, N., Jun 2019, In: Archaeometry. 61, 3, p. 720-749
Orbital controls on Namib Desert hydroclimate over the past 50,000 years Chase, B. M., Niedermeyer, E. M., Boom, A., Carr, A. S., Chevalier, M., He, F., Meadows, M. E., Ogle, N. & Reimer, P. J., 26 Jul 2019, In : Geology 47 (9): 867–871.
Warming affects predatory faunal impacts upon microbial carbon cycling Hunter, W. R., Ogle, N. & O'Connor, N., 10 Feb 2019, In: Functional Ecology 33, 5, 924-935
Organic composition and multiphase stable isotope analysis of active, degrading and restored blanket bog. McAnallen, L, Doherty, R. and Ogle, N May 2017, In: Science of The Total Environment 599–600:1779-1790
Stable Isotope Palaeodietary Analysis of the Early Bronze Age Afanasyevo Culture in the Altai Mountains, Southern Siberia Svyatko, S. V., Polyakov, A. V., Soenov, V. I., Stepanova, N. F., Reimer, P. J., Ogle, N., Tyurina, E. A., Grushin, S. P. & Rykun, M. P., Aug 2017, In : Journal of Archaeological Science Reports. 14, p. 65-75