John Bell Day Lecture 2020

The 2020 John Bell Day Lecture will take place on Wednesday 4th November: we have an exceptional speaker this year in Professor Vlatko Vedral, Professor of Quantum Science at the University of Oxford. The title of this year’s lecture will be ‘Quantum Reality: Unperformed experiments have no results and unobserved results can affect future experiments’. (This event begins at 1.30pm.)
Professor Vedral has kindly agreed to an additional “unplugged” session for students - ‘Quantum Physics, Life and the Universe: In Conversation with Professor Vlatko Vedral’, where he will speak about his career and anything quantum physics-related that he can answer! This session will be hosted by Professor Mauro Paternostro, Head of School of Maths and Physics, and will take place from 12.00-12.45pm on Wednesday 4th November.
Register for this interactive online session for students at:
Once registered a link will be sent out via email so you can join the conversations.
If you have any questions in advance, please feel free to send through to, however as this is an open session there will be ample opportunity to ask anything.
To register for the John Bell Day lecture, hosted in association with the Royal Irish Academic, starting at 1.30pm on 4 November, please go to