Undergraduate Maths

This 4-year programme allows for a great breadth and depth of study as well as extended project work. The MMath is intended for students who wish to make a significant use of mathematics in their subsequent careers, or who simply wish to broaden their understanding of mathematics.

This is a four-year degree that is focused on mathematical approaches for quantitative management. The concepts introduced in this degree span from deriving sound inference from limited or large amount of data to the mathematics modelling and solution to problems in the organisation and management of complex systems in industry and commerce.
Find out more about the MMath in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research

Applied Mathematics and Physics is a very popular combination of subjects. In Stage 1, students must study the core modules from both Pathways, but at later Stages they have a practically free choice across the modules of both subjects.
Find out more about the MSci in Applied Mathematics and Physics

This 4-year programme allows for a great breadth and depth of study as well as extended project work. The MSci is intended for students who wish to make a significant use of mathematics or theoretical physics in their subsequent careers, or who simply wish to broaden their understanding of theoretical physics.

This is a four-year joint degree, in conjunction with the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science that combines the study of these two subjects. It provides a thorough academic grounding in the mathematical and computer science skills required in a wide range of careers in a modern technological society.
Find out more about the MSci in Mathematics and Computer Science

This is a three-year degree that allows students to cover core mathematics ideas at Stages 1 and 2, allowing some options at Stage 2 and with a broad range of modules in pure and applied mathematics, and in statistics and operational research at Stage 3.

This is a three-year degree that is focused on mathematical approaches for quantitative management.
Find out more about the BSc in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research

Mathematics is the universal language of science, and a beautiful subject in itself.
Find out more about the BSc in Applied Mathematics and Physics

This degree is similar to the joint degree in applied mathematics and physics, especially the first two years. After that it focuses on the theoretical physics modules in applied mathematics.

This is a three-year joint degree, in conjunction with the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Find out more about the BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science

Mathematics has a strong association with the Financial Services Technology Industry. Our Maths graduates are employed by world-leading companies in this field. This programme provides a strong mathematics training with extra software and business skills that provide the pathway to highly-paid jobs, both locally and internationally.

For mathematicians with an interest and background in a European language (either French or Spanish) this degree is ideal. It is a four-year degree with a year spent abroad studying mathematics through the medium of the chosen language.