Graduate Testimonials | ARTS
Elena Pearson

Lucy Walton

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my 3 years at QUB. I have had the opportunity to work on a multitude of different projects acting as a director, writer, and performer. I feel that the wealth of experiences makes me a well-rounded theatre maker and I feel prepared to enter the working world in the years ahead.
Bronagh McFeely

Dr Kevin McCluskey
2007 – 2015

Lucy Skerritt
Degree: MA in Arts Management
Years at QUB: 2014-2015
Current Job Title: Programme Support - Generator NI
My job involves supporting the Generator NI music business support programme through working with organising events, writing reports, updating social media and aiding local music businesses and artists in any way possible.
My experience of Queen's is very positive, which I put down to both the course itself, and amazing facilities like the Graduate School. The course was well structured and lecturers were very experienced within the arts. The course allowed me to specialise within music industry support, but provided me with breadth of knowledge across the wider arts industries. I was able to focus assignments on the local music industry in Northern Ireland which has given me great breadth of knowledge which I can call upon daily within my work. Being able to write 'critically' has aided me immensely when it comes to writing evaluations for funders and key stakeholders of the Generator NI programme.

Christopher McCorry
Degree: BSc in Music Technology
Years at QUB: 2004 - 2007
Current Job Title: Senior Technician - The Mac Belfast
Responsible for sound and lighting for shows and events in the MAC theatre, and also responsible for assisting with the technical requirements of the gallery installations.
My time at QUB helped me to have a deep understanding of the methods and workflow of modern digital audio systems, and helped me develop a critical technical ear.
Chris Lavery
Degree: BSc Music Technology & Sonic Arts
Current Job: IT Project / Delivery Manager
Delivering bespoke financial trading services via Co-location and private cloud to a global clientele including the leading global investment banks, hedge funds, proprietary trading firms and stock exchanges.
"Queens was a spark to the fuse of my technological curiosity. I was taught by creative and technical experts and was studying with gifted and motivated colleagues, providing ample opportunity to explore different interests and potential career paths. My interest in the use of low latency IP networks to transport media now underpins the field in which I currently work."
Hannah McPhillimy
Degree: BMus in Music (graduated 2013)
Current Job: Singer-Songwriter / Music Teacher
Performing is the most visible part of my job, but the bulk of what it is happens behind the scenes - writing, practicing, planning, event managing and sometimes crisis managing when things don't quite go to plan!
"My time at Queens was a real turning point for me; my lecturers took an interest in my work, encouraged me to take risks and perhaps most significantly, created a very supportive, trial and error type learning environment in the 'Performance Workshop' module run by Dr. Paul Stapleton. This module in particular helped me to figure out my strengths, as well as how to make the most of my limitations. I don't honestly think that without it, I would have taken the plunge to make a career in music at all - I really am very grateful for my time there."
Our graduates have gone into a diverse range of careers, including: