Diversity and Inclusion
The School is committed to the Athena SWAN Charter principles, aimed at advancing gender equality in academia.
We are delighted to have been awarded a Bronze Award in June 2022. The successful application represents a significant milestone for the School and we will continue to progress our efforts to address gender and wider equality issues. We have a committed team led by our SWAN Co-Champions Dr Teresa Degenhardt and Dr Danielle Mackle. The team is open to new members and runs regular events and activities to promote gender equality.

SSESW Athena Swan Annual Lecture (2024)
What does intersectionality look like in research practice and decision making? This is the question posted by Talat Yaqoob, from the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Talat Yaqoob is an independent consultant, social researcher, and award-winning campaigner, and supported by colleagues and students from SSESW, the Annual Lecture provided an opportunity for us to engage collectively in issues relating to gender equality and intersectionality.
Lectures were also delivered by fellow Queen's lecturers, Dr S McAlister: "Understandings & experiences of violence among young NI women", and Dr. Sultan Turkan: "Understanding cultural and linguistic diversity in workplaces".
The Athena SWAN Charter aims to recognise the advancement of gender equality through representation, progression and success for all.
Every year at our summer Graduation we award Athena SWAN prizes for the two best pieces of undergraduate work on gender.