Queen's to host bio-based building material conference

Biomaterials are processed or engineered products obtained partially or fully from renewable biobased resources, including: natural fibre composites, bioplastics, biorubbers, biofoams, bioadhersives, biobased paints and coatings.
Following up the great success of ICBBM 2017 and ICBBM2015, in 2017 ICBBM2017 International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials was one of the biggest conferences worldwide in the area on bio-based materials (3BM) used in construction and provided also an excellent platform for networking with more than 260 participants from all over the world and an exhibition.
The purpose of this international conference ICBBM2019 is to present the latest available scientific and technical information in the field of bio-based building materials, natural fibres, earthen ramped, innovative hybrid composites natural fibres, sustainable binders for sustainability and energy efficiency of buildings, life cycle analysis of 3BM
More details available on our dedicated conference site