10 Reasons to Choose the School
There are a multitude of reasons to make Mathematics and Physics at Queen's your first choice; from our amazing reputation and heritage, to our world class facilities and research calibre. Here are our pick of the top reasons...

Since 2014 we have invested over £12 million in new world-class student and staff facilities
Maths and Physics students now have their own teaching centre that opened in 2016, housing brand experimental physics laboratories, two large computer rooms for mathematical simulations and student study, plus a student interaction area along with a new lecture theatre and study rooms.

Whether you study Mathematics, Physics or a combination of both, you will be part one of the largest Schools in the University.
We have 60 full time faculty performing teaching & research, fifty research fellows, one hundred postgraduate students and over 700 undergraduates studying mathematics and physics.

As a School, we recognise and respect a wide diversity of ethnicities, cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations.
We provide an inclusive and supportive environment for all staff and students; in 2017 we were re-awarded a prestigious Silver Award by Athena SWAN in recognition of good practice in recruiting, retaining and promoting women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

We have a continually growing international community of both undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff within our School.
Our research is conducted and recognised as excellent across the world. We encourage our undergraduate students to consider spending a period of time abroad and we actively supports both the Erasmus Scheme and the Study Abroad programme.

Faculty staff are involved in cutting-edge research projects that span a multitude of fields.
These include Astrophysics, Atomistic Simulation, Nanostructured Media, Plasma Physics, Statistical Science and Operational Research, Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Pure Mathematics.

Physics and Mathematics graduates earn 10% more than the average graduate due to their skills in problem solving and numeracy.
You may learn how to handle n-dimensional spaces or calculate the structure of an atomic nucleus, but those skills allow our graduates to also go into fields as diverse as finance, telecommunications and education.

Our research-active faculty ensure that undergraduate students are exposed to the latest advances in their fields of study; scientific careers in mathematics and physics are enabled by our degrees.
Some students go into scientific industry. Many students, with a particular love of mathematics or physics for their own sake, will choose to stay at university to undertake research for a PhD; our graduates have worked with CERN, ESA and NASA.

At the School of Mathematics and Physics you will have access to our facilities and resources and, most importantly, our dedicated staff.
Students enjoy the benefits of modern practical laboratories, extensive computer facilities, and a programme for the development of personal skills, such as computation, information processing, problem solving and written and oral communication.

The School of Maths and Physics is a truly international department. Our students meet, work with and are taught by internationally-acclaimed physicists and mathematicians.
We have staff members from many different countries, including UK, Ireland, Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, Argentina, Cuba, Germany, China, Tiawan, Greece, Kenya, Niger, The Netherlands, Romania and Iran.

Physics at Queen's has been ranked 3rd out of 41 for research intensity.
Mathematical Science was ranked in the top 20 out of the 92 Mathematics departments in the UK in the same rankings, the UK's most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF) exercise (2014) as published by the Times Higher Education.