MathsWeek Ireland at QUB: Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival
This year as part of MathsWeek Ireland we will be hosting a Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival at Queen's.

Julia Robinson Mathematics Festivals inspire students to explore the richness and beauty of mathematics through activities that encourage collaborative, creative problem-solving.
The festival is named after the late Julia Robinson, a mathematics professor at the University of California who’s best known for her solution of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem.
The festival at QUB will be hosted by Dr Gordon Hamilton and is aimed at 13-16 year old students.
Gordon is a board game and puzzle designer. He founded in 2010 to inject unsolved problems into the classroom. There is nothing he enjoys more than stumping students and having them stump him.
The first Festival was hosted by Google in 2007, subsequent festivals were hosted by Pixar and a range of schools and universities across the world.