What is networks theory, and why physicists are interested in them?

ASC Seminar by Professor Gabriel Cwilich, Yeshiva University, New York
Wednesday 3rd October at 4.00 pm, Bell Lecture Theatre, School of Mathematics and Physics
In this seminar, Professor Cwilich will introduce some of the basic ideas and concepts of networks theory, present the main concepts used to quantify them, and discuss their connection to complexity, and relevance to several fields of science. He will show applications to problems as varied as diffusion theory, electrical networks, information theory, percolation problems, or income distribution. He will present some of the dynamical models of network formation, and survey recent results that help us to understand better the fragility of a network with regards to random failure and their resilience when under different types of attack.
Tea and biscuits will be served at 3.45 pm in the Foyer.