LGBTQ+ Health Research Project
A new research project is being undertaken focusing on the inclusion of LGBTQ+ health concerns within pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes. The project is a collaboration between Queen’s University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin.

The research project, a collaboration between Queen’s University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin, is being led by Professor Michael Brown and Dr Edward McCann.
LGBTQ+ people experience a range of physical and psychosocial issues and concerns, with important contributions required from nurses and midwives. Despite the health concerns, the inclusion in nursing and midwifery pre-registration programmes appears limited.
The research project will be undertaken across the UK and Ireland to scope and map LGBTQ+ health content within pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes to identify areas of education ‘best practice’ and developments needed in nursing and midwifery programmes to ensure students have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the health needs of LGBTQ+ people.
An international and national expert Project Advisory Group has been established involving experts in the field, including, Stonewall, LGBT Ireland, Trans Equality Network Ireland, The Council of Deans, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Midwives, students and academics from nursing and midwifery. An intended outcome of the research project by summer 2021 is the publication of LGBTQ+ Health Education Best Practice Guidelines.
For further information about the research project please contact Dr Freda McCormick, Research Officer at