Key note speakers
Professor Marion Bogo
Marion Bogo has been a leader in the field of social work professional education locally, nationally, and internationally. She is Professor and was Acting Dean, Associate Dean, Practicum Coordinator, and inaugural Sandra Rotman Chair in Social Work at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto. Marion Bogo’s commitment to teaching is demonstrated through the central focus of her research and scholarship, professional achievement and community service. She pioneered the development of an educationally focused Field Education model in 1979 with the establishment of Teaching Centres in community agencies and hospitals affiliated with the University of Toronto, the introduction of the first competency-based social work education model in Canada for guiding student learning, and the creation of a systematic program for recruiting, educating, and retaining social workers as field educators. Through leading a number of local and national research projects on these program initiatives and related elements for quality field learning she has established an evidence base for field education.
Professor Tim Dornan
Professor Tim Dornan, recipient of the ASME Gold Medal Award 2016, is a Professor of Medical Education at Queen’s University Belfast, UK. His background is as an internist and clinical endocrinologist, and he did a Masters and PhD in Learning Sciences at Maastricht University. He currently supervises many Masters and PhD students and teaches qualitative research internationally. He has been a visiting professor at Aarhus University, the University of Dundee and the University of British Columbia. Tim's work has been cited over 30,000 times.
Nancy McNaughton, Ph.D., M.Ed.
Nancy McNaughton is the Director, Centre for Learning Innovation and Simulation at the Michener Institute of Education at UHN. Nancy is an active educator and researcher with over 30 years of experience in the field of simulation based education. She designs and delivers curriculum, evaluation, remediation, and research activities for a variety of health professional trainees and practicing professionals, locally, nationally and internationally. Nancy’s research interests include exploring the role of emotion within health professional training and practice. She holds a Doctorate in Higher Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, (OISE) University of Toronto.
Dr Alex Mermikides
Dr Alex Mermikides directs the unique doctoral programmes at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, which has a distinctive focus on research in, through and for the performing arts.
Her own research also bridges scholarship and practice, the latter as a director, dramaturg and playwright. She has published on contemporary theatre-making (particularly devised and interdisciplinary performance) and the interface between theatre and medicine in the UK. Her edited books include Devising in Process (Palgrave 2010) and Performance and the Medical Body (Methuen Bloomsbury 2016) and she is currently working on a monograph on theatre, medicine and concepts of the human. She runs Chimera, an arts/research network founded in 2012 with an award from the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Through this, she creates performances on medical themes, often working in collaboration with medical specialists and patients. Recent projects include Bloodlines, about patient experience of stem cell transplant, produced at the Science Museum London, Antwerp University Hospital, Manchester Science Festival and elsewhere. Her current project Careful, developed with support from the Arts Council, explores themes of compassion, care and empathy through the perspective of nurses. Her work has been featured in The Guardian, Times Higher Educational Supplement and on This Week (BBC Radio 4).
Professor Brian Singleton
Professor Brian Singleton holds the Samuel Beckett Chair of Drama and Theatre at Trinity College Dublin, and is Academic Director of The Lir - National Academy of Dramatic Art at Trinity College Dublin. He is a former President of the International Federation for Theatre Research and former editor of Theatre Research International (Cambridge University Press). He was co-editor (with Janelle Reinelt)and joint winner of the ATHE Excellence in Editing Prize for the 40-book series "Studies in International Performance" published by Palgrave/Macmillan. He serves on the Editorial Boards of New Theatre Quarterly and Contemporary Theatre Review and currently co-edits (with Elaine Aston the Palgrave book series 'Contemporary Performance InterActions'.