International Impact on Implementation of Children's Right

Internationally renowned children’s right expert and SSESW academic Professor Laura Lundy returned to the Republic of China (Taiwan) last week as part of an expert group invited by its prime minister to review their compliance with international children's rights standards. Laura was responsible for the education, participation and right to life aspects of the review. She commended the government on the very significant progress made in relation to children's participation in decision-making since the first review was conducted in 2017.
The government response to one of her questions about the high levels of suicide received a lot of media attention as the official's response to the question linked the issue to the large numbers of very tall residential buildings rather than factors such as academic stress and bullying. Young people involved in the review process staged a protest at the launch of the review's findings and received a response from the minister, reassuring them that they would look at the wider structural factors that are contributing to the high number of deaths.