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Digitisation of Irish Parliamentary Papers

In December 2001 that AHRB had agreed to award a grant of £290,000 to the project. CDDA has considerable experience in digitisation (using full-correction OCR techniques) Irish census statistics extracted from the census volumes in the Irish Parliamentary Paper Series.

Under this project (with the University of Southampton) CDDA employed the same expertise on a much wider range of statistics contained in nineteenth-century Parliamentary Papers for Ireland. Whilst Southampton was responsible for digitising the text of the reports, CDDA digitised and validated the statistical tables. The statistical database significantly augmented our existing Database of Irish Historical Statistics (funded by ESRC in the 1990s).

Ford Selections of British Parliamentary Papers 1801-1995 (BOPCRIS)

BOPCRIS (British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Information Service)


BOPCRIS (British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Information Service) aims to save researchers valuable time and effort in finding relevant British Official Publications over the period 1688 -1995 by providing a Web-based bibliographic database which enables desktop access to:

  • search and browse for relevant documents without having to visit libraries to consult hard-copy reference tools, or needing to seek assistance from reference librarians
  • read abstracts, and view detailed consistent subject indexing, of key documents so they can assess whether they need to see the full document or not
  • find out the nearest location of relevant documents if they decide they need them
  • read the digitised full-text version of an increasing number of documents

The BOPCRIS resource comprises several discrete elements which together form a substantial access and awareness tool for British Parliamentary Publications

BOPCRIS (1688-1834)

A web resource of over 15,000 references to key 18th Century British Parliamentary Publications from the period 1688-1834. This started as a pilot funded by The British Library Co-operation and Partnership Programme 2000-2001 and continues as a substantial JISC-funded project during 2005-2006. The project is part of the JISC Digitisation Programme and involves the use of innovative robotic book scanning techniques and content management. For more details about the project's methodologies and timescales visit the JISC Website

BOPCRIS (1833-1995)

Developed as a part of the Research Support Libraries Programme 1999-2002, this phase of BOPCRIS is a database of approximately 16,500 key 19th and 20th century British Official Publications, selected for inclusion in the internationally known hard-copy Ford Select Lists and Breviates. BOPCRIS (1984-1995) focuses on 3,600 documents of the period based on selection criteria used by the Fords.

BOPCRIS (1801-1832)

Developed with funding from the Research Support Libraries Programme and the Hansard Trust, BOPCRIS (1801-32) comprises around 1,400 documents selected for inclusion in Hansard's Catalogue and Breviate of Parliamentary Papers.