Project Title |
SOLITUDE - A pilot Study to examine perceived benefits of reflexOLogy in patIenTs Undergoing hospital baseD haEmodialysis |
Research Focus: |
Chronic Illness and Palliative Care
Funder & Dates |
Northern Trust Research and Development, Northern Ireland July 2017-July 2018 |
Principal Investigator or Primary Supervisor (if PhD project) |
Dr Helen Noble |
Co-Investigators or additional supervisors |
Michael Matthews. Avril Johnston |
Research Fellow(s) or PhD Student |
Name & Institution of Collaborators |
Name of External Partner Organisations |
Description of Project: Aim; Methods; Expected Outcomes
The aim of this pilot study is to explore the effects of foot reflexology on quality of life and sleep patterns in a cohort of patients undergoing hospital based haemodialysis. Objectives -To evaluate the feasibility of patient recruitment and delivery of foot reflexology in a haemodialysis setting -Evaluate the sensitivity of the outcomes measures -Understand patient experiences of the intervention Design The study will be based in the Haemodialysis Unit, Antrim Area Hospital, Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland. Twenty patients on haemodialysis will be recruited using convenience sampling. |
Associated with the project.
Add links/URLs to external pages, e.g., study webpage, reports, publications etc. |
Any other relevant information |