Delighted our 'Mitochondrial toolbox' review has been published by Frontiers in Genetics
This review provides a summary evaluation of online resources to explore mitochondrial genomics.

“Mitochondrial toolbox” - A review of online resources to explore mitochondrial genomics
Ruaidhri Cappa 1, Cassio de Campos 2, Alexander P. Maxwell 1, Amy Jayne McKnight 1
1 Centre for Public Health. Institute of Clinical Sciences B, Queen’s University Belfast, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast BT12 6BA, Northern Ireland.
2 School of Electronics, Electrical engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT9 6RT, Northern Ireland.
Mitochondria play a significant role in many biological systems and contribute to both rare and common diseases. There is often a large amount of complex data generated (for example via next generation sequencing) for studies of mitochondrial genetics, which requires optimised bioinformatics tools to efficiently and effectively generate robust outcomes from these large datasets. We reviewed 24 online resources dedicated to mitochondrial genomics, providing a resource that will help researchers to rapidly identify the resource(s) most suitable for their needs. Genetic resources are well established for phylogeny and DNA sequence changes, but further epigenetic and gene expression resources need to be developed for molecular investigations of mitochondria.
This paper is available as open access:
Funding: This work has been partly funded by the Medical Research Council (Award reference MC_PC_15025), the Public Health Agency R&D Division (Award Reference STL/4760/13) and Science Foundation Ireland-Department for the Economy (SFI-DfE) Investigator Program Partnership Award (15/IA/3152). RC is funded by an individual PhD studentship from the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland.

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