UK-wide Shared Commitments for Genomic Healthcare 2022 published!
Very excited to see the commitment to establish an effective Genomics Partnership for Northern Ireland echoed in this document and the forthcoming NI Rare Disease Action Plan.

Building on the success of multiple projects, including NI's participation in the 100,000 Genomes Project and the MRC-NI executive funded NI Genomic Medicine Centre, further investment in local genomics services is warmly welcomed. Delighted to see Health Minister Robin Swann agreeing to UK-wide shared commitments, ensuring genomics remains at the forefront of medical and scientific developments in diagnostics, research and patient care. The plan to establish a Genomics Partnership for Northern Ireland that brings together delivery partners from across government and the HSC, public health, industry, research and academia, with patient input, who will work together to deliver an integrated genomics service for the population is excellent. Powerful, effective collaboration is the way forward!
Department of Health Press Release: Exciting future for genomics in Northern Ireland – Swann | Department of Health (
Genome UK: shared commitments for UK-wide implementation 2022 to 2025 - GOV.UK (

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