Medicine - Clinical Attachments/Placements During the Undergraduate Medical Programme
Clinical Attachments
Medical students will undertake a variety of clinical placements throughout the five years of the course. Patient contact is prioritised from the beginning, starting with the Family Attachment Scheme in first year and continuing with the General Practice Experience in Year 2.
In third, fourth and final year students may be placed in any hospital across Northern Ireland. The curriculum emphasises bedside teaching, patient safety, and teamwork. Clinical placement learning is supported by high and low fidelity simulations at each hospital and at QUB.
In 3rd year students undertake two 14 week long Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (LIC): One in the Belfast Trust, and another in a different Trust. Each Trust assigns students to a base-ward to gain experience in general medicine and general surgery, along with additional specialty-based learning activities.
During the fourth year, students are assigned to one Trust for the entire year, completing placements in four main 'pillars': Child Health, Mental Health, Reproductive Health, and Ageing & Health. Each pillar lasts 9 weeks and includes a 2 week Primary Care placement and time in the Emergency department.
In the final year students undertake 3 main placements, each lasting 7 weeks, focusing on Primary Care, Acute and non-Acute Surgical Care and Acute and non-Acute Medical Care.
The final attachment prior to graduation is a 6 week Clinical Assistantship. ThisAssistantship helps students to integrate into the clinical team and supports the transition from medical student to Foundation Doctor.
Throughout the course students must maintain a record of Reflective Practice. This facilitates development of reflective learning skills which are essential for a future career in medicine.
Final Year Elective
The Final Year Medical Elective is a 6 week clinical placement which is timetabled to take place over the summer period and can be undertaken in the UK or overseas. The aim is to develop your knowledge and clinical skills in a speciality of your choice. It is also a fantastic opportunity to travel and experience different healthcare systems.
This is a self-directed learning module and students are required to arrange the elective themselves. Each year, the overseas electives vary from third world mission hospitals to major teaching hospitals in Australia, America and Canada. Many students also choose to spend at least part of their elective in N. Ireland or elsewhere in the UK.
Dentistry - Clinical Attachments/Placements During the Undergraduate Dental Programme
In Year 1, students have a placement in clinics in the Community Dental Service and in the dental hospital to observe and learn about clinical practice.
In Second Year, Students undertake a clinical assistantship, attend a clinical placement and assist final year students treating patients in the dental hospital. They also have an LA placement where they give local anaesthetic, under the supervision of clinicians, to patients in the dental hospital.
From Years 3-5, students spend more than 60% of their time in clinic placement in the dental hospital where they treat their own patients under the supervision of clinical teachers. The programme is based on a work-place learning model with skills attainment and development recorded on an ipad system LIFTUPP.
In third year, these include:
- clinical placements in surgical, cardiology, endocrinology, vascular, hepatology, ENT and out-patient clinics to learn about the practice of medicine;
- two different dental specialist practices – an orthodontic practice and an oral surgery practice – to learn about the role of dental specialists;
- a placement in a General Dental Practice to learn about the role of the dental hygienist.
In fourth year, students have a paediatric GA hospital placement and under supervision have the opportunity to undertake simple extractions as well as a placement in an Oral Surgery specialist practice.
Across fourth and fifth year, students have placements in Paediatric Outreach clinics (Beech Hall and Carlisle) where, under the supervision of a clinical teacher, they treat a range of paediatric patients.
Final year (fifth year) students are placed in a Restorative Outreach clinic where they treat their own patients in a general practice setting. They also have a placement in a local general dental practice where they learn about the role of dental team members and about practice management.
Other Opportunities
In addition, our undergraduate students have the opportunity to apply for Summer Studentships to undertake a summer project, lasting 6-8 weeks in one of our Research or Education Centres. Undergraduate Medical and Dental students also have the opportunity to undertake a one year Intercalated degree programme at Masters or Undergraduate level.

The University of Nevada (USA), has been offering placement opportunities to students from the Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education for more than a decade. There are currently 5 Queen's University Belfast students in the University of Nevada, Reno on placement for the current academic year 2015-16.
Placement in USA
Students on placement are assigned to an academic mentor/supervisor and work as research assistants in a laboratory. They receive a monthly stipend from the University of Nevada and are advised to take medical healthcare insurance. The students report to their mentor and participate fully in the research programme to which they have been assigned. They are registered with the University of Nevada for the year and are expected to work on a full time basis commensurate with vacation arrangements within the University of Nevada.
The placement year is a non-credit bearing year and Queen's University Belfast do not have any academic requirements of the student during that year. Nevertheless, the students sign a code of conduct which enforces the fact that they are representing Queen's internationally on their placement year and that exemplary behaviour and excellent work ethics are expected. Students who have successfully completed the placement and who participate in the briefing session to prospective students on their return are eligible for the Future-Ready Award.
- Hands-on research experience/lab skills
- ‘Test the water’ for future career decisions
- Experience of working/studying in another country
- International reference for CV
- Interpersonal skills and development
- Enhanced profile for applying to study at PhD level at home or abroad/employment in USA
- Employers favour people with broad experience, especially international work experience
Application Process
Students are required to attend a briefing session on the Programme during Level 2 and are invited to submit a written application during Level 2 comprising a letter of interest, current academic transcript and an academic CV with 2 referees. The Centre shortlists the students based on academic standing, performance and their applications for interview. Following interview, successful candidates’ CVs are forwarded to the University of Nevada.
After accepting an offer, students are guided through the necessary procedures for obtaining visas and other necessary documentation for the year-long placement. They may only participate in the programme after final approval from their Advisor of Studies. (Students taking examinations during the resit period in Level 2 (for any reason) are ineligible to participate in the programme). The Centre will assist with return flight travel costs up to £700 per student.
The USA Placement Programme is co-ordinated by Professor Karen McCloskey in the School's Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology (