Dr Neil Reid
Policy-relevant evaluation of conservation strategies e.g. agri-environment schemes; Conservation ecology e.g. the impact of bushmeat hunting on Central American large mammals; Applied ecology of farmland species e.g. badgers and their role in bovine tuberculosis; Ecology of invasive species e.g. non-native plants and mammals; Statistical advances in terrestrial mammal abundance estimation e.g. Distance Sampling and camera trap Random Encounter Models; the Impact of hunting wild mammals with dogs e.g. hare coursing and most recently biodiversity, sustainability and carbon sequestration.
Open to PhD applications from those with a minimum of 2.1 degree (or equivalent) in Conservation Biology, Ecology, Zoology or Environmental Science (or allied subjects) with an interested in policy-relevant evaluation of conservation strategies e.g. agri-environment schemes; conservation ecology especially in the tropics (rainforest biomes); applied ecology (particularly of farmland species or non-native biological invasions) or development of methods in biodiversity monitoring and surveillance (with an emerging interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence i.e. neural networks for camera trap or satellite image analysis (including Geographic Information Systems) or soundscape audio analysis). Please read my online profile before approaching.

Dr Neil Reid is a Senior Lecturer in Conservation Biology for the School of Biological Sciences.
Research Students
PhD title: Agri-environment schemes in Less Favoured Areas and Brexit
Name: Amy Arnott
Years of Study: 2016-2019
Country: Northern Ireland
PhD title: The role of biodiversity in tropical forest carbon flux
Name: Rik Barker
Years of Study: 2016-2019
Country: England
PhD title: Breeding behaviour and productivity of the Natterjack toad in Ireland
Name: Marina Reyne
Years of Study: 2016-2019
Country: Bulgaria
PhD title: Lagomorphs as reservoirs for agriculturally important parasites
Name: Jay Prebble
Years of Study: 2016-2019
Country: England
PhD title: Grassland management and its impact on carbon fluxes
Name: Jonathan Blair
Years of Study: 2015-2018
Country: Northern Ireland
PhD title: Indirect contact between badgers and cattle and bovine tuberculosis
Name: Emma Campbell
Years of Study: 2015-2018
Country: Northern Ireland
PhD title: Bushmeat hunting and its impact on large Neotropical mammals
Name: Hannah Hoskins
Years of Study: 2015-2018
Country: England
Alumni: where are they now?
Dr Katie Leach
PhD title: “Global lagomorph macroecology: interspecific interactions and the impact of climate change”.
Years of Study: 2012-2015
Country: England
Current position: Business and biodiversity Programme Officer, UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Dr Anthony Caravaggi
PhD title: “Invasion ecology of non-native European brown hares and their impact on the endemic Irish hare”
Years of Study: 2012-2016
Country: Wales
Current position: Post-doc, Ornithology Group, University College Cork
Dr Ruth Kelly
PhD Title: “Freshwater invasive plants in Ireland: distribution, impacts and spread”
Years of Study: 2008-2012
Country: Republic of Ireland
Current Position: Post-doc, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin
Public Outreach
Memberships and Public Reach
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Committee Member of the Copeland Bird Observatory
Public talks to, for example, wildlife trusts
Media Apprearances
BBC Springwatch
BBC Autumnwatch
BBC Coast
BBC Radio 4's Today Programme
Media Appearances
The Guardian
The Times Higher
The Conversation - “impact of climate change on lagomorphs"

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