Dr Simone Cerroni
Dr Cerroni’s research focuses on behavioural and experimental economics. The main area of research is decision making under risk and uncertainty applied to farming, food consumption, nutrition, health and environmental sustainability.
Research topics:
- Consumers’ preferences for safe, healthy and environmental sustainable diets
- Farmers’ behaviour towards technology adoption, adaptation and mitigation to climate change
- Beliefs, risk and ambiguity preference elicitation using economic experiments
- Methodological issues related to experimental auctions, contingent valuation and discrete choice experiments – for example incentive compatibility
PhD and Post-doc opportunities are constantly available. Please, get in touch with Dr Cerroni, if interested in conducting research on the topics mentioned above.
Research Students and Alumni
Research Student
PhD title: EU food quality logos and food authenticity: An experimental analysis of consumer's risk and ambiguity preferences
Name: Ms Chloe McCallum
Years of Study: 2017-present
Country: Northern Ireland
Research Student
Project title: Experimental auctions under risk and uncertaintyName: Mr Daniel DerbyshireYears of study: 2017-2020
Name: Mr Daniel Derbyshire
Years of Study: 2017 - present
Country: England
Alumni - where are they now?
Mr Dimitrios Kalentakis
Project title: Farmers’ behaviour and technology adoption: disentangling risk and ambiguity preferences using economic experiments
Years of Study: 2014-2015
Country: Greece
Current position: NHS information analyst
Public Outreach
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