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Find a PhD Supervisor
Supervisor | Research Opportunities | School | Department |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nanomaterials and electron microscopy research Transmission electron microscopy In-situ studies of ferroe... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nanomaterials and electron microscopy research Transmission electron microscopy In-situ studies of ferroelectric domains High-resolution quantitative techniques | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Atomic structure Plasma diagnostics (astrophysics/magnetically confined fusion) Electron-impact excitatio... Electron-photon collisions, e2e , R-matrix, fusion diagnostics, stellar opacities , high performance computing |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Atomic structure Plasma diagnostics (astrophysics/magnetically confined fusion) Electron-impact excitation Ionization Recombination or photoionization experience Stellar opacities | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Algebraic topology Homotopy functor calculus Homotopical algebra Equivariant homotopy theory Stable Homot... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Algebraic topology Homotopy functor calculus Homotopical algebra Equivariant homotopy theory Stable Homotopy theory Model categories and Bousfield localisations | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Advanced schemes for ion- acceleration using lasers Particle radiography of ultrafast plasma phenomena Ge... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Advanced schemes for ion- acceleration using lasers Particle radiography of ultrafast plasma phenomena Generation and propagation of collisionless shocks in tenuous plasmas Radiobiology and dosimetry of laser-accelerated ions | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of Novel plasmonic materials for applications Artificial and structured magnetic thin films and multilayers advanced materials, magnetics, plasmonics, photonics, data storage |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of Novel plasmonic materials for applications Artificial and structured magnetic thin films and multilayers | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in All aspects of laser-atom interaction, especially those with a focus on electron correlation effects ultrafast, Attosecond, physics, computational, atomic, molecular, optical, laser, high-performance computing, HPC, software |
Open to PhD applications in All aspects of laser-atom interaction, especially those with a focus on electron correlation effects | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Quantum thermodynamics Quantum optimal control Entanglement quantum information, quantum thermodynamics, entanglement |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Quantum thermodynamics Quantum optimal control Entanglement | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Theoretical laser-molecule interactions and the simulation of dynamical transport in nanostructures |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Theoretical laser-molecule interactions and the simulation of dynamical transport in nanostructures | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Plasmas and electron attachment Development of a new electron attachment spectrometer for environmental m... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Plasmas and electron attachment Development of a new electron attachment spectrometer for environmental monitoring Plasmas in conducting and insulating liquids Development of new atmospheric pressure plasma source for medical applications | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Cometary and asteroid observational research Spectroscopy of cometary bodies Spectroscopy and photometry ... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Cometary and asteroid observational research Spectroscopy of cometary bodies Spectroscopy and photometry of asteroidal objects | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Ferroelectric and multiferroic domains and domain walls |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Ferroelectric and multiferroic domains and domain walls | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Positron interactions with atoms and molecules Quantum chaos in many-electron atoms and multicharged ions Theoretical atomic physics, many-body theory, electrons, positrons, positronium, annihilation, antimatter, photodetachment, recombination, scattering, bound states |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Positron interactions with atoms and molecules Quantum chaos in many-electron atoms and multicharged ions | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Research projects are available in the field of theoretical spectroscopy of crystalline solids, nanostructures, interfaces and 2D materials. Projec... condensed matter, physics, atomistic simulations, first-principles, many-body theory |
Research projects are available in the field of theoretical spectroscopy of crystalline solids, nanostructures, interfaces and 2D materials. Projects imply both the use of existing approaches and computational tools to predict spectroscopic properties of materials and the development of novel approaches and computational tools. Approaches and computational tools are based on density-functional theory and many-body perturbation theory (GW approximation, Bethe-Salpeter equation). | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nanophotonics of two-dimensional materials Superresolution optical focusing and imaging in the far field |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nanophotonics of two-dimensional materials Superresolution optical focusing and imaging in the far field | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of homological algebra K-theory and graded algebra Concrete projects are advertised regularly on the departm... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of homological algebra K-theory and graded algebra Concrete projects are advertised regularly on the departmental web pages: | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of ASTROPHYSICS:(1) Instrument development for high-resolution studies of the Sun, including the optical desi... solar physics, spectral imaging, integral field units, astrophysical instrumentation, magnetohydrodynamics, photosphere, chromosphere, sports science, data analytics, sports analytics, soccer, football, rugby, GAA, golf |
Open to PhD applications in the field of ASTROPHYSICS:(1) Instrument development for high-resolution studies of the Sun, including the optical design of integral field units (IFUs), the modelling and calibration of polarisation optics, and the design of novel gratings (including holographic filters) to improve the spectral resolution of the final instrument.(2) Exploitation of high-resolution observations of the Sun's atmosphere to probe the dynamic wave activity found in the lower layers of its atmosphere. In particular, projects linked to highly magnetic structures (sunspots, pores, bright points, etc.) are available to enable the energies and dissipation mechanisms of wave activity to be investigated. SPORTS SCIENCE:(1) Large scale statistical benchmarking of cardiovascular signals from elite athletes that inform coaching staff of real-time fatigue levels and dangers of injury.(2) Machine learning and the development of AI approaches to forward model match situations to help coaching staff gain tactical advantages over their opposition.(3) Longitudinal modelling of season-long statistical signatures to help provide benefits to athlete endurance and identify warning signs of injury risks and chronic fatigue.(4) Identification of the statistical pre-cursors of elite athletes by examining the development and growth of youth players and monitoring their metrics as they reach the elite standards of sport. | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of High intensity laser driven ion and neutron sources |
Open to PhD applications in the field of High intensity laser driven ion and neutron sources | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Solar physics research Spectro-polarimetry and inversions of small-scale magnetic fields Automated featur... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Solar physics research Spectro-polarimetry and inversions of small-scale magnetic fields Automated feature tracking algorithms in relation to small-scale magnetic elements and plasma flows on the Sun | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Data analytics applied to health data Decision modelling methodology Pharmacoeconomics modelling |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Data analytics applied to health data Decision modelling methodology Pharmacoeconomics modelling | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Operator Algebras, especially on groupoid C*-algebras Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis operator algebras, C*-algebras, groupoids |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Operator Algebras, especially on groupoid C*-algebras Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Quantum optics Quantum information Quantum technologies |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Quantum optics Quantum information Quantum technologies | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Solar physics and cool star research Spectropolarimetry of small-scale structures in the solar atmosphere... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Solar physics and cool star research Spectropolarimetry of small-scale structures in the solar atmosphere Radiative hydrodynamic simulations of solar and stellar flares | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nanoscale ferroelectric/ferroelastic materials Generation and control of functionally active domain walls... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nanoscale ferroelectric/ferroelastic materials Generation and control of functionally active domain walls in electronic device formats Fundamental studies of heat flow manipulation using domain walls | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Atomic data generati0on for use in astrophysics, plasma physics and fusion Atomic data for the lowly ioni... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Atomic data generati0on for use in astrophysics, plasma physics and fusion Atomic data for the lowly ionised Fe-peak elements Heavy species relevant for fusion research applications | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Fast electron propagation in laser-plasmas Atmospheric plasma jets Laboratory astrophysics |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Fast electron propagation in laser-plasmas Atmospheric plasma jets Laboratory astrophysics | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Laser and plasma physics Particle acceleration and applications Laboratory astrophysics High-field quantu... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Laser and plasma physics Particle acceleration and applications Laboratory astrophysics High-field quantum electrodynamics both from an experimental and theoretical point of view | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of Small body Solar System observational research Ground-based photometry of Solar System bodies Exploring ... Solar System, astronomy, astrophysics, physics, exoplanets, planetary science, Mars, Kuiper belt, planetesimals, physics |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of Small body Solar System observational research Ground-based photometry of Solar System bodies Exploring seasonal processes on Mars’ polar regions Mining large observational datasets for Solar System Science Exploring cometary activity in the Solar System’s small body populations Crowdsourced exoplanet detection using data from transit surveys | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Perator theory Linear dynamics Subjects related to algebras given by generators and relations |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Perator theory Linear dynamics Subjects related to algebras given by generators and relations | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Numerical radiative transfer / spectral modelling for astrophysical explosions and outflows Current parti... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Numerical radiative transfer / spectral modelling for astrophysical explosions and outflows Current particular interests include: Multi-D radiative transfer for supernova explosion models Radiative transfer for outflows from accreting systems | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Applications from self-funded students interested in numerical modelling of metallic and magnetic nanopar... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Applications from self-funded students interested in numerical modelling of metallic and magnetic nanoparticles for medical application (hyperthermia) are welcome Additional funding may be also available | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of The theory and simulation of transport in nanostructures and non-adiabatic electron-nuclear dynamics in n... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of The theory and simulation of transport in nanostructures and non-adiabatic electron-nuclear dynamics in non-equilibrium systems | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Molecular dynamics and rare events sampling Using dimensionality reduction to understand trajectory data ... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Molecular dynamics and rare events sampling Using dimensionality reduction to understand trajectory data Development of CVs for studying order disorder transitions | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Stellar astrophysics and exoplanet research Probing exoplanet atmospheres Mitigating astrophysical noise:... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Stellar astrophysics and exoplanet research Probing exoplanet atmospheres Mitigating astrophysical noise: Towards the confirmation of Earth-2.0 | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Coherent XUV/soft X-ray generation from laser interactions and their applications Experimental and/or sim... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Coherent XUV/soft X-ray generation from laser interactions and their applications Experimental and/or simulation based projects are possible | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Supernovae physics, kilonovae and developing models for lightcurves and spectra Massive data processing a... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Supernovae physics, kilonovae and developing models for lightcurves and spectra Massive data processing and machine learning Supernovae: observations and models of exotic transients Machine learning and image recognition algorithms Surveying the sky in the time domain – the new era | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Not currently accepting applications | School of Mathematics and Physics | ||
Open to PhD applications in Solar Physics Solar Flares Solar Irradiance Space Weather EUV Spectroscopy |
Open to PhD applications in Solar Physics Solar Flares Solar Irradiance Space Weather EUV Spectroscopy | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Not currently taking applications | School of Mathematics and Physics | ||
Open to PhD applications in the field of Novel Chiroptical analysis Ultrafast molecular Dynamics Laser-molecule interactions Radiotherapy research Laser Femtosecond Attosecond Chiral Ultrafast Radiotherapy Molecular |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Novel Chiroptical analysis Ultrafast molecular Dynamics Laser-molecule interactions Radiotherapy research | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Development and analysis of cancer invasion models |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Development and analysis of cancer invasion models | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Theoretical and computational physics and chemistry Atomic and molecular many-body physics Electronic st... positrons, antimatter, positronium, many-body theory; quantum Theory; field theory |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Theoretical and computational physics and chemistry Atomic and molecular many-body physics Electronic structure theory | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nonlinear dynamical systems Functional differential equations Mathematical epidemiology |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Nonlinear dynamical systems Functional differential equations Mathematical epidemiology | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Laser-driven ion acceleration High-repetition rate laser-plasma interactions Laboratory astrophysics with... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Laser-driven ion acceleration High-repetition rate laser-plasma interactions Laboratory astrophysics with high-power lasers | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of High-resolution spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres, including the development of new analysis techniqu... Exoplanet atmospheres, exo-rings, high-resolution spectroscopy, (spectro)photometry |
Open to PhD applications in the field of High-resolution spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres, including the development of new analysis techniques (Spectro-)photometric characterisation of exoplanets Search for, and characterisation of, exo-ring systems | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in Micromagnetic experiments and simulations, focusing on artificial spin ice and magnetic transport Single molecule/sing... Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, Artificial spin ice, Nanomagnetism, Magnetic nanoparticles |
Open to PhD applications in Micromagnetic experiments and simulations, focusing on artificial spin ice and magnetic transport Single molecule/single ion magnetism Magnetic heating/cooling using magnetic nanoparticles | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in Theoretical and computational atomic physics with an emphasis on laser-atom interactions Laser-matter interactions, R-matrix theory, atomic physics, computational physics |
Open to PhD applications in Theoretical and computational atomic physics with an emphasis on laser-atom interactions | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in Spatial data analysis Healthcare modelling Stochastic processes for improvement of manufacturing Spatial data analysis, Stochastic processes, Survival analysis |
Open to PhD applications in Spatial data analysis Healthcare modelling Stochastic processes for improvement of manufacturing | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of: Nanophotonics and Quantum Optics Plasmonics and Metasurfaces Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics Spin Def... nanophotonics, integrated quantum optics, nanomaterials, plasmonics, optophononics |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of: Nanophotonics and Quantum Optics Plasmonics and Metasurfaces Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics Spin Defects in Nanomaterials Nanoscale Quantum Sensors | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of: Supernova searches in all-sky surveys Tidal disruptions of stars by massive black holes Optical follow-... supernova, black hole, neutron star, gravitational waves, astrophysics, sky survey |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of: Supernova searches in all-sky surveys Tidal disruptions of stars by massive black holes Optical follow-up of gravitational wave sources | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of: Detecting software changes for software bug localisation text mining, deep learning, large language models |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of: Detecting software changes for software bug localisation | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
digital twins stochastic simulation health-care systems modelling complex systems modelling digital twin, stochastic simulation, health-care systems modelling, complex systems modelling |
digital twins stochastic simulation health-care systems modelling complex systems modelling | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of… Statistical Modelling, advanced data analytics, data informed decision models, process mini... survival analytics, stochastic models, bayesian networks, agent based models, decision support systems, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of… Statistical Modelling, advanced data analytics, data informed decision models, process mining, explainable AI, digital twins, real time analytics, operational research. Application areas include healthcare, bridge models and maintenance, agriculture, infrastructure modelling, manufacturing, technologies, education, energy, audit, and clinical trials. | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of… Longitudinal data analysis Survival or time-to-event analysis Discrete choice modelling Multivar... longitudinal analysis, survival analysis, discrete choice modelling, multivariate analysis, anomaly detection |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of… Longitudinal data analysis Survival or time-to-event analysis Discrete choice modelling Multivariate analysis Anomaly detection | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of machine learning and atomistic simulation for aqueous systems, including surface spectroscopy and interfac... atomistic simulation, nuclear quantum effects, machine learning |
Open to PhD applications in the field of machine learning and atomistic simulation for aqueous systems, including surface spectroscopy and interfacial systems - particularly those involved in water treatment. | School of Mathematics and Physics | |
Open to PhD applications in the field of: Algebraic topology Tensor-triangulated geometry Equivariant homotopy theory Equivariant combinatorics algebraic topology, tensor-triangulated geometry, homotopical combinatorics, equivariant stable homotopy theory |
Open to PhD applications in the field of: Algebraic topology Tensor-triangulated geometry Equivariant homotopy theory Equivariant combinatorics | School of Mathematics and Physics |