Research Centres and Institutes
Our research centres and networks are key mechanisms for the delivery of our interdisciplinary research, find out more about key centres located in both our School and the wider University. There are eight research centres (Centre for Children’s Rights, Centre for Shared Education, Centre for Behaviour Analysis, Centre for Language Education Research, Centre for Inclusion, Transformation and Equality, Centre for Technological Innovation, Mental Health and Education, Centre for Child, Youth and Family Welfare, & the Centre for Justice Studies), and one research network for research delivery and many SSESW colleagues also contribute to the work of the ARK-Northern Ireland Social Policy Hub, Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice at Queen’s and Queen's Communities and Place (QCAP).

ARK is Northern Ireland’s social policy hub. The hub was established in 2000 by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University, its primary goal is to increase the accessibility and use of academic data and research.

DARN is a hub for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners engaged in research on drugs and alcohol. The network acts a an inter-disciplinary forum where findings from areas as diverse as social work, public health, education, economics, sociology, psychology, law and pharmacy can be shared.

The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute For Global Peace, Security And Justice strives to create dialogue within which all voices can be heard and to underpin the pursuit of peace through world class research. The Institute connects the perspectives of all those who seek to contribute to conflict transformation and social justice – from the insights of world leading researchers to the experience of practitioners, policy makers, politicians and activists.

Queen's Communities and Place was launched in 2021 by researchers from Queen's and the Market Development Association (MDA) and is a community-academic partnership that aims to find better solutions for tackling disadvantage and improving outcomes for children, young-people and communities.